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Bus shelter installation on Sea Road

9:21 am, Thursday, 15th December 2022 - 2 years ago


North East Lincolnshire Council and its delivery partner, Equans, are installing a bus shelter on Sea Road on Tuesday 20 December.

The bus shelter has been reinstated following a request by Stagecoach as the weather deteriorates and we approach the colder winter months. With multiple bus service drop-offs and pick-ups from Sea Road, it is felt passengers will require shelter from the weather conditions when waiting for buses. Care has been taken to ensure the bus shelter is installed at a suitable location.

The bus shelter will be installed outside the mini golf course. As well as consulting with Stagecoach, the council and Equans have liaised with the owner of the mini golf course who is happy for the shelter to be reinstated. This will be reviewed in the New Year once the shelter is in place.

The works will take place from 7pm on Tuesday 20December to 7am on Wednesday 21December.

The footpath on the north side of Sea Road will be closed and pedestrians will be diverted onto the south side of the footpath. Traffic will be unaffected during these works.

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