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Bus stop improvements being carried out across the borough

2:46 pm, Tuesday, 28th July 2020 - 4 years ago


Motorists are being asked to check new signs that are being put up at bus stops in North East Lincolnshire to ensure they are not restricting access needed for buses and their passengers.

The latest improvements include introducing ‘No Stopping Except Local Buses’ signs, alongside the introduction of operational time limits.

These improvements aim to reinforce parking restrictions and ensure unauthorised vehicles are not restricting the access needed for passengers to safely board the bus.

The parking restrictions will be posted at 341 bus stops across North East Lincolnshire. Following assessment of each stop, one of the following restrictions will be in place:

  • No Stopping Except Local Buses – 7am to 7pm
  • No Stopping Except Local Buses – 24 hours

Residents are encouraged to check signs when parking to make sure they are aware of these parking restrictions. Anyone found parked in a bus stop within the operational time limit will receive a penalty charge notice (PCN).

Councillor Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for environment and transport, said: “These improvements have been introduced following feedback through the Bus Quality Partnership and our continued commitment to provide a safe highway network for all.

“We’re committed to working with our partners and ensuring our bus network has the necessary measures and infrastructure in place to support passengers.

“The latest improvements complement Stagecoach’s low floor buses by allowing them to park flush with the kerb, making it easier for all bus passengers when getting on and off the bus.”

As part of the Bus Quality Partnership, North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner, ENGIE, actively work with Stagecoach East Midlands to ensure the highway infrastructure is accessible, safe and providing a better overall journey experience for all passengers.

North East Lincolnshire Council, ENGIE and Stagecoach East Midlands understand the introduction of the signs and parking restrictions may cause some disruption, but are committed to continuing to work with residents and businesses to balance their needs alongside those of the local community.

For more information about public transport in North East Lincolnshire, visit

Alternatively, email [email protected], or call (01472) 326290.

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