Cadent Gas are in the process of carrying out upgrades to equipment on Weelsby Road, Hainton Avenue and Peaks Lane.
Current works are taking place on Weelsby Road at the junction of Hainton Avenue. Temporary traffic signals are situated at this junction with a road closure in place on Hainton Avenue. It is estimated that this section of works will be completed on Monday 17 February.
For the safety of everyone in and around the area of the works, Recto Avenue and Revigo Avenue are also closed at the junction of Weelsby Road until Monday 17 February.
Following this, works will progress along Hainton Avenue. Temporary traffic signals will again be in operation.
The next closure on Hainton Avenue will be in place north of Welholme Road between Monday 24 February and Monday 17 March.
The final phase of the works will see Cadent Gas continuing upgrades along Peaks Lane between Thursday 3 April and Monday 12 June.
Temporary traffic lights will also be in place for the duration of this phase with no closures necessary.
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused. For customer enquiries about this scheme, please contact Cadent Gas on 08003 898000.
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