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Council CCTV upgrade moves a step closer

11:58 am, Monday, 6th September 2021 - 3 years ago

Environment and community safety

North East Lincolnshire Council’s planned £1m upgrade to CCTV infrastructure has moved a step closer with companies now being invited to tender for the work following a review of the current CCTV capability.

The investment will see all existing cameras upgraded to digital, backed up by a new transmission network and state-of-the-art control room.

New locations for permanent cameras are also planned, supported by a greater use of so-called rapid deployment cameras – cameras that can be moved to temporary locations for organised events or to target spikes in crime and anti-social behaviour.

There are also plans for the introduction of a tannoy system in the town centre and resort which can be used to deter anti-social behaviour by informing individuals that they are being monitored. The tannoy system will also be used for wider community safety messages where required.

Following the investment, 148 cameras will be fully digital including 16 cameras being introduced in the Town Centre as ongoing regeneration projects are completed, and 29 new locations across the borough are also being considered.

Councillor Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities at North East Lincolnshire Council, said “We know how important it is for local residents and visitors to feel safe in our local communities and we understand the role that having robust enforcement and deterrents in place can have on improve that feeling of safety.

“This investment demonstrates the Council’s commitment and vision to have a fit for purpose public space CCTV system and I look forward to the new capability coming online during the beginning of 2022.”

As part of the West Marsh Safer Streets Project, additional Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras will be installed as well as a dedicated rapid deployment capability to further bolster the Council’s £1m investment.

Spencer Hunt, assistant director for safer and partnerships at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “Ensuring people are safe and feel safe is at the heart of our strategy. This new CCTV capability, alongside our wider partnership working will enable greater opportunities to prevent, detect and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and provide public reassurance to our local businesses and communities.”

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