A woman has been issued the first Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) fine of its kind in North East Lincolnshire after she obstructed an officer.
The enforcement officer was out on patrol along Cleethorpes Promenade when he spotted a male dropping a cigarette whilst riding a bike. Following this, he issued the man with a fine and began asking his details.
During this, a woman shouted from across the road, telling the man not to give any details. After reminding the man not to take this advice, the officer attempted to continue taking his details.
However, with the lady persisting, the man declined to continue and biked off.
The officer then proceeded to approach the woman to issue an obstruction Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN). Declining to comply, she began to make rude hand gestures towards the officer before walking off.
The FPN has now been issued to the woman following a further investigation to obtain her details.
North East Lincolnshire Council introduced the PSPOs through the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act in 2014. The act gave local authorities the power to deal with nuisances or problems which harm the local community’s quality of life.
An order is intended to ensure that people can use and enjoy public spaces, living safely from anti-social behaviour. An order will specify an area where activities are taking place that are detrimental to the quality of life of those in the area and can impose conditions and restrictions on people using the specified area.
Breaking an order is a criminal offence, which can result in a fixed penalty notice (FPN) of £100 or prosecution. If prosecuted, an individual could be fined up to £1,000.
North East Lincolnshire Council have a range of PSPOs currently in place, including a restriction on cycling in certain zones and fishing without the relevant permits in a number of open spaces.
The ticket came off the back of a bumper bank holiday weekend in which 28 tickets and fines were issued across the borough for offences such as walking their dog on the beach and littering.
In response to the incident, Portfolio Holder for Safer and Stronger Communities Cllr Ron Shepherd said: “This is totally unacceptable. These officers are simply doing their job and for someone to think it is okay to disrupt that is unbelievable.
“As a Council, we have a zero tolerance policy and this is no different. No one should be faced with abuse, whether verbal or physical, in their day to day life. I commend the officer for continuing to carry out their duties and want to make others aware that this kind of behaviour will not be taken lightly.”
The image is an example of the PSPO signs that are displayed around the borough
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