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Councillors pay tribute to former Mayor, Cllr Colin Eastwell

9:32 am, Wednesday, 7th February 2024 - 7 months ago

Civic Office

North East Lincolnshire’s Deputy Civic Head, Cllr Steve Beasant, joined fellow councillors from across the borough in paying tribute to former Mayor, Cllr Colin Eastwell, at his funeral service today (Wednesday).

The service for Colin, who passed away aged 93 on January 11, was held at 12.45pm at Old Clee Parish Church, where he married his wife Margaret in 1955 and where their two children, Carol and Kevin, were christened.

Colin was Mayor in 2008-2009, and served on Cleethorpes Borough Council and North East Lincolnshire Council. He was also well-known in the area for being a respected cricket umpire and a passionate Grimsby Town fan.

Colin’s passion for politics began as a teenager and he was a Liberal Democrat councillor for Beacon Hill before it became Croft Baker ward. He served on the Fire and Police Authority, and on the local Drainage Board.

He was elected as a member of North East Lincolnshire Council in May 2003 and went on to chair the Regeneration and Housing Scrutiny Panel from May 2003 to May 2005.  He then chaired the Regeneration, Tourism and Housing Scrutiny Panel from May 2005 to May 2007. 

Many will remember Colin as  the Mayor of North East Lincolnshire in 2008/09 and he was then appointed as the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Tourism from May 2009 to May 2010.  He also served on the Cleethorpes Carnival Committee. Colin left the Council in 2010.

Colleagues remember him as a man who liked to help people, and also enjoyed travelling and studying history. He loved sport – playing football and becoming a cricket umpire until he set up The South Bank Cricket Club. Colin was secretary to the Grimsby and District Cricket League for several years and was a member of the Cricket Lovers Society.

His passion for Grimsby Town began as a lad when he scaled the fence to get a view of his team at Blundell Park. Soon after, he became a paying supporter and was on the terraces for more than 1,000 matches.

Deputy Mayor of North East Lincolnshire, Councillor Steve Beasant, was elected for East Marsh ward in 2003, the same year as Colin was elected for Croft Baker. He described Colin as his friend, and “an excellent mayor,” who was never afraid to use his gavel to keep colleagues in order.

“Any job Colin turned to he did well, whether on the tourism scrutiny panel, organising the popular Cleethorpes Bonfire Night, the Carnival Parade or in the Mayor’s office, “ said Cllr Beasant.

“Colin was well respected, both on the council and in the community, and he was a perfect gentleman. He was a modern day Victorian who was always smartly dressed. He will be sadly missed and my heart goes out to his family.”

North East Lincolnshire Council sends its condolences to Colin’s family. Tragically Colin’s wife of nearly 40 years, Margaret, died in 1994. He later found companionship with friend Hilda Burns, who had lost her husband at the same time. She served as Mayoress when he was elected Mayor.

Colin is survived by his daughter Carol and son Kevin, five grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

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