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COVID-19: Bus pass renewal or replacement update

10:15 am, Thursday, 2nd July 2020 - 4 years ago


Bus pass renewals and lost, stolen or damaged pass replacement will be re-starting from Monday 13 July via the council’s contact centre.

Those renewing or replacing passes are encouraged to contact the council on (01472) 313131.

Residents will need to provide their bus pass number during the application – without the bus pass number the council will be unable to process a renewal or replacement.. Passes will be printed and posted directly to the bus pass holder. It may take up to two weeks for delivery.

North East Lincolnshire Council is still unable to process applications for new passes and an update will be provided by 1 August 2020.

The bus pass issuing sites at Grimsby Central Library, Centre4 and Age UK Cleethorpes will remain closed until further notice.

Those with an out of date bus pass can continue to use their expired bus pass but are encouraged to renew as soon as possible.

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