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Day of Action yields results

3:40 pm, Wednesday, 14th December 2022 - 2 years ago

Council information and partnerships

A day of enforcement action in Grimsby town centre has received praise after catching out lawbreakers.

The enforcement day of action, which took place on Tuesday 6 December in Grimsby town centre and Freeman Street, saw a number of fines issued to people flouting public space rules.

Officers from North East Lincolnshire Council, and Equans were joined by LA Support officers and officers from Humberside Police to draw attention to Public Space Protection Orders in the town centre and clamp down on things like illegal parking, littering, anti-social behaviour and homelessness.

The day saw the following action:

  • 13 tickets issued to people breaching a Public Space Protection Order by cycling through the town centre’s pedestrianised area
  • 2 fixed penalty notices issued for littering
  • 6 parking tickets and 15 parking advisories issued
  • 1 youth referral
  • 8 rough sleepers engaged with and directed to the Council’s housing support
  • 4 interventions for people riding e-scooters
  • 1 intervention with a local business relating to anti-social behaviour

Councillor Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities at North East Lincolnshire Council, said that the day had been worthwhile:

“Our officers are working throughout the year to enforce our Public Space Protection Orders and make sure that people are adhering to the law.

“More high-profile days of action like this one are designed to draw attention to the work that our officers do, and reassure people that we are here and do take action against people causing a nuisance in our urban spaces.

“I’d like to thank our partners for supporting the day – it’s clear that it was a success. I’m particularly pleased to see that our housing team continued their great work by engaging with a number of rough sleepers, offering them support.

“The message to take away from the day is simple: cause a nuisance or commit anti-social behaviour and you could find yourself with a hefty fine.”

Humberside Police Inspector Tom Stevens said: “We have been working closely with our colleagues, including those at North East Lincolnshire Council, to help make Grimsby town centre and Freeman Street more inviting places to visit.

“This was a highly visible example of the work that has been going on daily to improve the areas. Working with other agencies and local businesses allows us to carry out a joined-up approach to engagement, education and enforcement in the area, which has already seen some great results.

“We recently launched a Grimsby Retail in Partnership crime-reduction programme in Freeman Street and working with businesses in Freshney Place has seen a 68% reduction in shop thefts.”

Lindsay Sands, Head of Property Services which provides local Civil Enforcement Officers and Security Services at Equans, said: “We were pleased to work with other local agencies to showcase the hard work that goes on in the local area to combat anti-social behaviour and to make the town a fairer, more welcoming place to be for the vast majority of residents who do follow the rules.”

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