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East Marsh residents encouraged to give their views on Policing

4:23 pm, Friday, 6th January 2023 - 2 years ago

Council information and partnerships

RESIDENTS living on the East Marsh in Grimsby are being encouraged to take part in a survey about how safe they feel.

The survey is being carried out as part of a Home Office-funded programme called Safer Streets 4. The Safer Streets programme, which has been running on the East Marsh since August last year, is carrying out targeted work to reduce anti-social behaviour and improve home security in the area.

In the short survey, residents will be asked about how safe they feel during the day and at night in their communities, as well as about the visibility of police patrols in the area and on how secure their home is.

Councillor Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:

“Under this project, Police are carrying out lots of intelligence gathering activity as well as some targeted work to tackle anti-social behaviour.

“Meanwhile, our partners at Empower CIC have been visiting homes on the East Marsh to offer free home security kit, including things like locks for doors and windows, security lights and alarms.

“The purpose of this survey is to give us some idea of how effective the project is, and where the areas of weakness are.

“Residents on the East Marsh are being asked to complete this 2-minute survey three times over 6-months. That should give us some really useful information and at the end of the project we’ll hopefully be able to see a real improvement in people’s perceptions of security and policing on this patch.”

Humberside Police Inspector, Steve Peck, said: “We are really keen to hear how local residents feel about policing on the East Marsh. This feedback will help us put appropriate and targeted policing measures in place.

“As part of the Safer Streets programme, we are dedicated to reducing crime and antisocial behaviour in the area. We know the large majority of residents support this and we want to hear their thoughts on how we’re doing, and how we could do better.

“By completing this short survey, residents will be having an important say on how we police the East Marsh in the future. We hope this information, and the work currently being carried out by police and partners, will lead to improved perceptions of security and safety in the area.”

To take part in the survey, East Marsh residents can visit The multiple-choice survey can be completed on a phone, tablet or computer, and only takes 2-minutes to complete.

Safer Streets is a Home Office-funded project supported by Humberside Police, NELC and numerous partners.

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