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Get ready for Stoptober 2020

1:45 pm, Friday, 25th September 2020 - 4 years ago


Better Health’s Stoptober campaign is back in its ninth year, calling on smokers in England to quit for 28 days.

If you quit smoking for 28 days, you are five times more likely to quit for good. 

Join thousands of others who will quit on 1 October for Stoptober.

Stoptober offers a range of free quitting support, including the Stoptober app, Facebook messenger bot, Stoptober Facebook online communities, daily emails and an online Personal Quit Plan tool that helps people find a combination of support that’s right for you.

Search Stoptober to see all your options.

For local support , call the Wellbeing Service on (01472) 325500.

Wayne Gould, Specialist Stop-Smoking Practitioner said:

“2020 has been an unprecedented year for all of us and has reminded us how important our health is.

“In 2020 in England there has been a surge in smokers trying to quit and a big increase in success rates for those who try.

“The number of adults who smoke in England is at an all-time low. We know we’re stronger together. So this Stoptober, join all the people who have already quit smoking this year to feel better, save money and to breathe easier.”

Councillor Margaret Cracknell, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care said:

“COVID-19 and the approaching flu season are two big reasons it’s important to put your lungs first, quit smoking and breathe easier.

“We are pleased to see quitting rates have been extremely high so far this year and Stoptober is back to help support North East Lincolnshire’s remaining smokers to join in the national quit attempt.

“It is never too late to quit. Even if you have an existing smoking-related condition, stopping smoking brings immediate health benefits.”

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