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GRIMSBY MINSTER IMP in full glory and back at the Minster

7:58 pm, Friday, 3rd September 2021 - 3 years ago

Culture, events and tourism

Grimsby Minister Imp is now painted and back at the minster. The Minster became the latest venue to join the 2021 Lincoln Imp Trail and the freshly painted Grimsby Imp is the 32nd sculpture to be added to the trail. Now beautifully painted the Grimsby imp will reside in the Minster’s brand new cafe which was opened in July by The Mayor of North East Lincolnshire Councillor David Hasthorpe.

The sculpture will join its older fellow stone Imp which can be seen in the roof of the Minster.  Legend has it the Grimsby Imp, together with the Lincoln Imp, caused mayhem and mischief in Lincoln Cathedral before being turned to stone by an angel.

Sarah Loftus, Chief Executive of Lincoln BIG said ‘It’s great to add this 32nd Imp to the main Imp trail and a new addition along with the Education Imp. This shows true partnership working with the creative sector in Lincolnshire. Many people will not know that there is an Imp hiding in Grimsby Minister as well as in Lincoln Cathedral. Hopefully, this addition to our programme will bring more interest to the IMP Trail!”

Covid Recovery Consultant for Grimsby Minster Emma Olivier-Townrow said: “We are really excited to welcome visitors from Grimsby, Greater Lincolnshire and beyond to enjoy the minsters’ cultural offering and café space and we are especially thrilled to welcome the Grimsby Imp. She looks beautiful, freshly painted by the wonderful Kevin Atkins of Creative Start.   His design reflects the women working in the world famous Grimsby frozen fish industry. The imp will collect coins, posted into the small envelopes provided, where you can write your wishes before safely depsoiting. All donations will support the Minster clock refurbishment and St Barnabas Hospice.  You can learn more about the tale of the imps in the minster, alongside highlights of other heritage gems, including Grim’s tomb. Kevin will also be onsite, adding a few finishing touches to the Imp”.

Creative Start is the Grimsby based community group responsible for painting the Grimsby Imp. Sam Delaney, Director of Creative Start Arts CIC Operations said ‘CIC were delighted to be asked to design and paint the Imp for Grimsby Minster.  Together we discussed a concept and this was passed on to our resident artist Kevin Atkins. Kevin drew up the designs in his original style and we think Kevin has done a brilliant job.  We love being involved in these projects, it helps us to feel connected with our local community, stay creative and provide opportunities for the local artists we support. We would like to thank Grimsby Minster for the opportunity.”

The new Grimsby Minster café has been designed to be inclusive, inspiring and a place where everyone is welcome, visitors can find solace and good coffee. We have a fantastic space and opportunity for heritage and artworks to be displayed in the minster.  Grimsby Minster really is a unique place, open for everyone.”

Visitors to Grimsby Minster can also enjoy the newly refurbished St James’ Square and public space adorned with installations depicting Grimsby’s fishing heritage and local stories.

The Mayor of North East Lincolnshire, Councillor David Hasthorpe said “Grimsby Minster is becoming a thriving place to be, with a rich arts, culture and heritage offer.  It’s hoped the cafe and imp will bring people together to look inside the Minster, enjoy the new-look cafe and look at the new Square. It’s a place to be proud of, there’s a positive future with the cultural and regeneration work that is going on in the town.”

Julie Thompson Chair of VESR (Visitor Economy Retail and Services Group) for North East Lincolnshire said, “I am thrilled to see Grimsby Minster play host to the fabulous Grimsby Imp. Bringing together public artwork with such an iconic symbol of our region, is a great way to bring visitors into our town centre and give an added boost to our shops, cafes and restaurants.  She really is a ‘must-see’ and thanks to Lincoln BIG and the Minster for embracing Grimsby on this year’s Imp trail.’’

The Minster is currently looking for a team of volunteers to work within the venue and in the cafe.  Roles are available for volunteer tour guides, welcome staff, and heritage helpers to assist with the general day to day running and maintenance of the minster.

Grimsby Minster Café is open from 9.30am until 2.30pm five days a week, Tuesday to Saturday.

For more details about volunteer roles contact  [email protected] or call (01472) 277277.

Services will continue and weddings, funerals, blessings, and hire of the Minster can be booked via [email protected] or call (01427) 277277.

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