Are you as egg-cited for Easter as those at Grimsby Community Recycling Centre?
Their award winning tip has been egg-cellently decorated with bunnies, eggs and chicks ahead of the Spring season.
Decorating the place is second nature to these pros who are renowned for their egg-treme displays throughout the year. There have been a wonderful range of characters including a spooky spider for Halloween; a wooden reindeer for Christmas and a mariner made out of tires to celebrate Grimsby Town getting to the Quarter Finals of the FA Cup.
This Easter, the tip has seen the addition of wooden flowers and bees painted a range of bright colours to cheer people up as they enter the centre.

Grimsby and Immingham CRCs are open daily from 8am to 6pm. Both sites are run by North East Lincolnshire Council’s waste management contractor Newlincs Development Ltd.
Grimsby CRC is in Estuary Way, Grimsby DN31 2UD. Immingham CRC is in Queens Road, Immingham DN40 1QR.
Visit for more details.
Speaking about the display, Councillor Stewart Swinburn, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport, said: “It’s great to see another amazing display from the team at Grimsby tip.
“They are a credit to the Council and are single handedly responsible for making everyone’s trip that little more enjoyable.
“I always look forward to seeing what they create when we get to a certain event or time of the year. I’m eager to see what they do next.”
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