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Health Visitors and School Nurses: A Service Update

9:00 am, Friday, 8th January 2021 - 4 years ago

Children and families

North East Lincolnshire Council’s health visiting and school nursing service have issued an update about how they’re delivering their services during the new national lockdown.

Health Visitors:

Health visitors will be continuing to offer home visits to all families during lockdown, though some visits such as the 10 month and 2 year reviews will be carried out virtually (online) or over the phone.

All staff have the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks and will be wearing these when visiting.

If you have any concerns about your baby or child or wish to speak to a health visitor, call the duty number: 01472 323660. Alternatively, you can email [email protected].

School Nurses:

Due to a number of children not being in school the majority of contacts will now take place over the phone or virtually.

School nurses are still available and can undertake home visits if needed.

If you have any concerns about your child or wish to speak to a school nurse please call our duty number: 01482 323660 or email [email protected].

If your child is aged between 11 to 19 years they can still contact the school nursing team via text on 07507 331620.

The text service can help with all kinds of things including physical, emotional and sexual health.

The school-based immunisation service including the influenza vaccination programme will resume at community clinics in the next few weeks, and parents will receive a letter shortly via their child’s school with more information on this.

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