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Information events to highlight need for foster carers across the borough

3:22 pm, Friday, 10th May 2024 - 7 months ago

Children and families

AN ANNUAL event held to raise the profile of foster care and how it can transform lives, this year’s national Foster Care Fortnight will celebrate the achievements of foster carers and the children in their care.

As we approach this year’s event, North East Lincolnshire’s fostering team is holding a number of public and private events to raise awareness.

On Tuesday, May 14, anyone interested in becoming a foster carer for NELC will be able to chat to fostering team members at a drop-in being held at Immingham’s Civic Centre, between 10am and 1pm.  Staff will be on hand to answer questions from people who might be considering fostering children and young people and are interested to know how they go about it.

Jacqueline Mills, Specialist Lead in Children’s Services, said: “The drop-in is part of a proactive Foster Care Fortnight across North East Lincolnshire, where we will be celebrating and being proud of our foster carers and the children in their care.

“It is important that we hold information events because our children need loving and safe homes.  There are people out there who could give our children love and support, helping them to remain in their own communities and schools, maintaining links with their families and friends.

“There is no pressure on anyone to sign up to anything, simply drop by for a chat if you are curious and would like to know more.”

There will also be a Facebook Live Q&A event taking place from 5pm to 6pm on Thursday, May 16.  Interested people can follow the North East Lincolnshire Council Facebook page beforehand and they will receive a notification and a link once the event is live.  Alternatively, search for North East Lincolnshire Council in the search bar and the video should automatically appear.  For more information, visit:

Similar to the Civic Centre drop-in, in Immingham, members of the fostering team will be available to answer your questions.

Portfolio holder for children and education, Cllr Margaret Cracknell, said: “Children deserve a warm and loving home, where they can thrive and are given care and support.  It is vital that we continue raising awareness of fostering across North East Lincolnshire so that local children in need of homes are able to remain in the areas they are familiar with, and close to schools they may already attend.

“Foster carers are much needed, and we are certain there are local residents who are able to support children and young people in the Grimsby, Cleethorpes, and Immingham areas.  If you have considered fostering, drop into the Civic Centre or listen to the online Q&A to find out more.”

For more about fostering across the borough, visit:

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