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New cameras coming online at two local schools

1:48 pm, Friday, 26th May 2023 - 1 year ago

Environment and community safety

TWO local schools are set to benefit from the rollout of a Council initiative aimed at reducing dangerous parking.

Queen Mary Infant and Nursery School, Cleethorpes, and Welholme Academy in Grimsby, have already had cameras installed to monitor vehicle movements during peak times.

The initiative, which has already been in place at Sighnill’s Academy in Cleehtorpes and Old Clee Primary Academy in Grimsby, has proven to be effective at making spaces outside schools safer for children.

Councillor Margaret Cracknell, portfolio holder for children and education at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:

“I’m really pleased to see this initiative being expanded to a further two schools. It has already proven to have been quite successful at identifying and tackling those drivers who are ignoring the law.

“I’m hopeful that the initiative will continue to see success at Welholme and Queen Mary.

“It’s vitally important that the spaces outside of our schools are safe for children and their families. School should be a place where children can feel safe and secure, but vehicles can complicate this.”

The cameras will be going live from the start of next month, with a two-week grace period for anyone being caught illegally stopping. Those caught during this period will receive a warning letter.

After the first two weeks of June, drivers caught stopping in the zigzagged areas will receive a Penalty Charge Notice through the post at £70, discounted to £35 if paid within 14 days.

The initiative has already seen 152 PCN’s issued to careless drivers. 

Traffic Regulation signs are in place in the areas near the cameras where the TRO is in effect.

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