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New car park to open opposite Waltham Toll Bar Academy

9:00 am, Friday, 17th January 2025 - 3 weeks ago


A new car park and drop off zone opposite Waltham Toll Bar Academy is set to open following a period of works on Monday, 20 January.

The 54-space car park on land off Station Road began construction in August in response to parents’ concerns regarding safety.

Specifically, these concerns were surrounding the start and end of the school day. North East Lincolnshire Council submitted the application for the car park, which also includes a motorcycle bay.

The land off Station Road is in council ownership – agreed as part of a section 106 agreement at the time planning permission for the adjoining housing development was approved.

The car park will be managed by North East Lincolnshire Council. It will be open from 7am until 6pm during term time with the free drop-off – using the ordinary bays as well as specific zone –  restricted to 8am to 9am and 3pm to 4pm.

Credit – Jon Corken

The site will be closed from 6pm with barriers preventing evening and night-time entry. Outside of the free drop off times, normal council parking charges will apply. These will be £1.50 for two hours and £2.50 for the full day.

Parking and stopping restrictions, such as double yellow lines, will be introduced along both sides of Station Road to ensure drop-offs are made in the car park only. These restrictions are in place to help prevent parents parking on the grass verges either side of the road.

The car park will also include landscaping to ensure the car park is shielded from the new homes nearest to the site, as well as considering some natural barriers between the car park and Station Road.

There will also be height restrictions, safety barriers and bollards.

Credit – Jon Corken

Councillor Stewart Swinburn, Portfolio Holder for Transport, Highways and Housing, said: “This is a brilliant initiative that will ensure the safety of countless school children.

“We understand the concerns raised by parents and have acted upon them as swiftly as possible.

“It will undoubtedly be a vital asset to those using the car park and I look forward to it being utilised.”

Pictured are members of North East Lincolnshire Council cabinet and Tollbar Academy – part of the Lincolnshire gateway Academy Trust (LGAT). Picture by Jon Corken.

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