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New fly-tipping CCTV campaign launches in North East Lincolnshire

9:03 am, Monday, 1st March 2021 - 3 years ago

  • New campaign to help tackle fly-tipping in North East Lincolnshire
  • CCTV images posted at 
  • Public’s help needed to identify people enforcement officers would like to speak to
  • Information can be given anonymously online

North East Lincolnshire Council is launching a new campaign to help tackle fly-tipping in the borough. 

Environmental enforcement officers at the Council are releasing CCTV images in connection with a number of fly-tipping incidents in Grimsby and Cleethorpes.

Now, the Council is asking the public to help identify people officers want to speak to about the offences.

People can view the images and use an online reporting form at 

If you have any information that can help identify people pictured, contact the council in confidence online at or by calling 01472 326300.

You will need to quote the reference number included with the image.

Cllr Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities, said:

“Our enforcement officers are keen to trace the people in these CCTV images.

“If you recognise anyone in the footage, or you know where the rubbish came from, please report it to us at

“Dumping rubbish illegally makes the area look a mess and harms wildlife.”

Fly-tipping reports

The Council spends tens of thousands of pounds in disposal costs alone for fly-tipped waste each year. The total budget for street cleansing is about £1.5-million per year.

Council workers cleared 286.6 tonnes of fly-tipped rubbish in 2020. Disposing of the fly-tipped waste cost the Council £72,053.

In 2020, officers gave a total of 67 fixed penalty notices (FPNs) with more cases are due to be heard in court.

Of the 67, 53 people were fined £400 for fly-tipping and another 11 were fined £100 for littering offences

People who don’t check the credentials of waste carriers, can also be prosecuted if their waste is found fly-tipped. They could land themselves with a fine of £300 and possibly more if they are a business.

Cllr Shepherd added:

“Most people manage their waste well and I’d like to thank everyone for the way they are helping us by taking responsibility for their waste during the pandemic.

“Fly-tipping is a crime and the council investigates all incidents. Anyone who is caught risks a £400 fixed penalty notice.

“Where we find enough evidence, we will take offenders to court where the penalties can be much harsher.

“Fly-tipping is a national problem. We all have a legal obligation, or duty of care, to make sure our waste is disposed of correctly.

“Most people dispose of their waste responsibly, but a small minority don’t.

“The best way to stop organised fly tipping is to make sure that only authorised waste carriers take your waste away.

“The simplest way to check is to ask for their carrier licence number and visit the Environment Agency’s waste carrier register.”

Check the register

Check the register by calling the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506 or visit

North East Lincolnshire Council is part of the SCRAP campaign, part of a nationwide crackdown against fly-tipping.

The campaign reminds people to check their waste is being taken away for disposal by a licensed carrier – either by asking to see a Waste Carriers Licence or by looking up the company on the Environment Agency website.

SCRAP stands for:

  • Suspect ALL waste carriers
  • Check with the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506 that the provider taking your waste away is licensed
  • Refuse unexpected offers to have waste taken away
  • Ask what will happen to your waste
  • Paperwork should be obtained – get a full receipt

The SCRAP campaign is based on an award-winning campaign continuing to be developed by the Hertfordshire Waste Partnership and its partner authorities, with more joining all the time.

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