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New football “hub” on Clee fields given the green light at Cabinet

1:15 pm, Thursday, 2nd December 2021 - 3 years ago


PLANS to kickstart the development of a state-of-the-art football ‘hub’ on land in Grimsby have taken a step forward.

And, once complete, a ‘first phase’ plan at Clee Fields will be followed by the creation of a new business case to revamp the nearby King George V athletics stadium.

Plans to redevelop the two sites together were first revealed before the Covid pandemic hit. However, a report presented to North East Lincolnshire Council’s Cabinet outlined how this has now been revised into a three-phased scheme.

The report says the upgraded proposals are more ambitious and reflect the increased investment needed to bring about major transformation. Sport England and the Football Foundation have approved the new phased approach.

With Clee Fields being looked at first, the council can also meet its commitment under the Playing Pitch Strategy. This pledges to give all residents the opportunity to play sport and keep active, whilst some urban land is made available for housing.

Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Housing and Tourism, Cllr Callum Procter, said: “These plans will create excellent facilities at Clee Fields and we want to give people the best sporting opportunities, even if it means a longer wait to realise the overall vision.

“Ensuring that we provide places where our residents can enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits high quality sport, leisure and recreation services offer is vital as we also look at the development of some of our other urban areas for new and good quality homes,” he added.

The council will now work closely with partners with funding sought for two new artificial grass pitches at Clee Fields. They would replace the current turf facilities, which have been susceptible to surface flooding. One of the pitches would be suitable for both football and rugby, while the other would be used for football only.

It would also recreate the whole of the site, including a larger and revamped car park, improved fencing and upgrades to the drainage, water and electric systems.

Key new developments to replace the existing indoor facilities also include:

  • Four unisex changing rooms;
  • A physio and first-aid room;
  • Separate changing areas for officials;
  • A servery and kitchen area.

With a planning application being worked up for submission in late December, Clee Fields would then be completed before a business case for phases two and three to refurbish King George V Stadium is worked on.

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