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North East Lincolnshire Council’s new approach to support victims of domestic abuse

12:27 pm, Tuesday, 10th October 2023 - 1 year ago


TODAY marks the beginning of a new chapter for North East Lincolnshire Council in its support for those impacted by domestic violence (abuse) and their families.

The council has launched what is known as a ‘commissioning’ process, which will seek to find a range of services that can play a part in the authority’s on-going drive to make a positive difference to the lives of people across North East Lincolnshire.

The Domestic Abuse Act 21 places a statutory duty on all local authorities to provide safe accommodation for all victims and their children. Taking this into account, North East Lincolnshire Council has this year completed a needs assessment – speaking to survivors and local organisations to find out what is most needed here. This work has shaped the commissioning decision.

Announcing the launch, the authority revealed how more than 5,000 incidents of domestic abuse are reported in North East Lincolnshire every year – with the physical and emotional scars of this often cruel and complex abuse having a lasting impact.

Portfolio Holder for Safer and Stronger Communities, Cllr Ron Shepherd said “Our partners continue to do an excellent job in providing care for people experiencing domestic abuse, and we thank them for that. The new commissioning process will enable us to provide additional provision and more support where it is needed most.”

Looking at best practices from around the country as part of its thorough analysis, the services that are being looked for are:

  • Continued support in a Refuge setting;
  • Safer accommodation support outside of a refuge setting;
  • Specialised support for children affected by domestic abuse;
  • Continued MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) provision specifically for high risk cases.

There will also be a single point of contact sought. This will be an easy to remember phone number to help everyone who may be affected by domestic abuse access help easily and allow services to effortlessly streamline the way they help those using their services.

Cllr Shepherd added: “This is an extremely positive change and is set to offer a holistic, wrap around support for all victims and their children.”

If you would like to take a look at what the council is commissioning for the domestic abuse service, or if your organisation wants to be part of the change, please visit Public quote/tender – Domestic Abuse Service ( 

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