RESTRICTIONS on household mixing in North East Lincolnshire will change from 00.01 Saturday, 31 October as the area moves into the COVID Tier 2 category.
Based on advice and guidance of public health experts, North East Lincolnshire joins many other areas of the country in Tier 2 following an increase in the rate of COVID-19 cases in the area.
Under the new restrictions, from 00:01 Saturday morning, people in across North East Lincolnshire will no longer be able to mix in any indoor setting with people you don’t live with – unless you are in a support bubble with them.
As part of the agreement with Government, Northern Lincolnshire will receive an additional £1m in financial support. This is on top of the business support package announced by the Chancellor last week for businesses in Tier 2 areas.
Cllr Philip Jackson, Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council said: “I’d like to thank the Government for working with us offer support to our local communities and businesses.
“We know that this is a difficult time, especially for the most vulnerable. In our dialogue with Government, we stressed the importance of being able to develop innovative ways of maintaining safe visiting arrangements for care homes in particular, and we hope to have some news on that issue soon.
“Like other areas of England, we also pressed home the importance for the Government to be clear on effective de-escalation processes for authorities lifted into higher tiers, with built in and regular review arrangements.
“We are grateful for the financial support provided by the Government. Coupled with the latest business support package announced by the Chancellor, Government has acknowledged our request for prompt access to these funds so we can provide that all important support to our local businesses.
“This is a challenging situation, and will understandably cause concern, but I would urge everyone in the borough to stay strong and keep going during the difficult weeks and months ahead.
“Our new Tier 2 classification is a reflection of the change in infection rate across our authority area. COVID-19 isn’t going away just yet, but there’s lots you can do to help reduce the spread.”
The Government has announced that North East Lincolnshire will join neighbouring authorities of North Lincolnshire, East Riding and Hull in being placed at the high local alert level (Tier 2).
From 00:01 Saturday 31 October, this is what the restrictions for people of North East Lincolnshire will mean:
- You must not meet up with family or friends in any indoor setting (including homes, venues, pubs and restaurants), unless you’ve formed a support bubble with them
- You cannot stay overnight in another person’s home, unless you’ve formed a bubble with them
- You can meet friends and family who you don’t live with outdoors, for example, in a private garden, parks and open spaces, but you must keep 2m apart. Where you do meet up, there must be no more than six people together.
- You can continue to travel for work purposes and to venues, but you should reduce the number of journeys where possible.
- You should work from home if this is possible.
- Weddings and Funerals: up to 15 guests are allowed at weddings, up to 30 guests for funerals.
- Education settings, shopping, retail, leisure and gyms remain open.
- Hospitality services remain open, with the 10pm closing time and table service only.
- Residential care homes are closed to external visitors other than in exceptional circumstances.
- Organised sport is allowed in outdoor settings. Indoor sport must follow social contact rules.
- Places of worship remain open.
- Childcare: registered and wraparound childcare, including supervised activities in private homes and children’s groups are permitted.
Stephen Pintus, Director of Public Health for North East Lincolnshire said: “The fewer people you meet, the less likely you are to catch COVID-19 and it reduces the chance of you being identified as a contact.
“Following the basic government guidance of washing your hands, or sanitising regularly, covering your face when appropriate, unless you are exempt, and keeping a social distance when you are near other people is key.
“But equally important is isolating yourself from other people, your work colleagues, friends and family if you develop any symptoms, getting a test as soon as you can, and not mixing with others outside your household unless they are part of your support bubble.
“By doing the basics right, we can help slow the spread of the virus and protect our loved ones.”
Dr Peter Melton, North East Lincolnshire CCG’s senior clinician said: “While the new restrictions may seem tough, we are fighting a virus that thrives on togetherness. Getting together with people outside your household could well make one, some, or all of you extremely ill. Whilst we know more about the virus now, we’re still learning, and we need people to adhere to the new rules around not meeting up inside each other’s houses. By doing this, we will help slow the spread of COVID-19.”
As the Local Covid Alert Level is ‘high’, people who are clinically extremely vulnerable, and who were shielding until recently, are advised to have contact with as few people as possible. However, they should continue to go out for some exercise with members of their household or support bubble, because the benefits of outdoor activity are significant. More information for clinically extremely vulnerable people is available on the Government’s website.
Since 28 September, anyone who receives a positive Covid-19 test or is told to self-isolate by the NHS Test & Trace Service must self-isolate by law, with anyone failing to self-isolate when they are required to do so facing a fine of between £1,000 and £10,000.
Anyone with symptoms must self-isolate for 10 days, while anyone living in the same household as someone with symptoms must self-isolate for 14 days.
Those on low-incomes and certain benefits may qualify for a £500 support payment if they are forced to self-isolate due to COVID-19.
More information can be found at or at
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