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Notice of Property Seizure – 19 October 2021

3:04 pm, Tuesday, 26th October 2021 - 3 years ago

Environment and community safety



Served by North East Lincolnshire Council (the seizure authority)

Property Seized: Vehicle/Trailer/Other (delete as appropriate)

Vehicle Registration Number: YX51 ZFG   

Make/Model/Brief Description: Ford Transit

Any additional property: Miscellaneous Items

Date and Time of Seizure: 11:48 19/10/2021

Location of Seizure: Garibaldi Street, Grimsby

Legislation Enabling Seizure: (tick as appropriate)

 Section 5 Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989
Section 34B Environmental Protection Act 1990

This notice will be displayed at the Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HU within 1 day of the vehicle being seized and also published on our website.

Name of the officer dealing with the seizure: Dan Webster

Email address: [email protected]

Mobile Tel No: 07880392129         

North East Lincolnshire Council, Environmental Enforcement Regulation & Enforcement Services, Environmental,  North East Lincolnshire Council, Doughty Road, Grimsby, DN32 0LL

Claim Period

A person may make a claim of entitlement to seized property beginning with the date of seizure and ending 15 working days after the date of the seizure notice

A valid claim in relation to the above seized property must therefore be made by: 02/11/2021

(insert date- 15 working days from the date of the seizure)

Documents required for a valid claim of entitlement:

  1. Proof of identification (photocard driving licence or passport)
  2. Proof of address (two different utility bills in the applicant’s name- no older than 3 months)
  3. Vehicle Registration or other proof of ownership documents for the seized property
  4. Valid insurance and driver’s licence to be able to remove the vehicle
  5. Written proof of authority to act as agent, e.g. power of attorney. Agent will also need to provide items 3 & 4 above and also proof of identity and address of the agent

Unclaimed Property

North East Lincolnshire Council may sell, destroy or dispose of seized property where a seizure notice has been published and;

  • the claim period has ended and no claim was made;
  • a claim was made within the claim period but the seizure authority did not determine that the claimant was entitled; or
  • the property is no longer required to be retained

Dated: 19/10/2021

Signed: Dan Webster – Environmental Enforcement

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