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Phone ‘n’ Ride online booking system gets a revamp

10:06 am, Thursday, 22nd October 2020 - 4 years ago


The Phone ‘n’ Ride service has revamped its online booking system, with a host of new features.

Transport officers at ENGIE, the council’s regeneration partner, have been working with the booking system software provider to improve the system with changes including:

  • A refreshed user interface making the booking process simpler and clearer
  • Client booking updates including a 24hr before travel reminder and updates if the bus is running behind schedule
  • Mobile and tablet compatibility
  • A re-design to meet new accessibility criteria

Further improvements will include the integration of Stagecoach’s public transport information through the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) software. This improvement will allow passengers who have been not been able to get a booking on Phone ‘n’ Ride the opportunity to travel on alternative public transport for that date and time, allowing them to continue their journeys as originally planned. 

Councillor Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for environment and transport, said: “While Phone ‘n’ Ride was impacted by COVID-19, the transport team at ENGIE did not stop. They have been working closely with our software providers to launch a revamped online booking system providing a number of improvements for passengers and provide an improved scheduling facility linking in with other services.

“As technology improves and newer software becomes available, it is key that we adapt with the technology to ensure we can offer our residents a service that can meet their digital needs and provide a first class service for those using Phone ‘n’ Ride.” 

What is Phone ‘n’ Ride?

Phone ‘n’ Ride is North East Lincolnshire’s on-demand bus service with no fixed route or timetable – users simply book where they want to go.

The service was established to make sure residents can get around the borough and provide a service so passengers can travel to and from work, education, health appointments, leisure and shopping trips.

Phone ‘n’ Ride is managed by the council’s regeneration partner, ENGIE, working alongside delivery partner, Stagecoach East Midlands.

To sign up or book a journey, call the booking team on (01472) 324440 or visit

Service updates are available at

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