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Pingdemic? Five easy ways to avoid having to self-isolate

12:59 pm, Wednesday, 28th July 2021 - 3 years ago


More people than ever before are having to self-isolate due to the spread of coronavirus. Many businesses are finding themselves short-staffed and some shops are struggling to remain open.

Don’t panic – we’ve compiled a list of the best ways to avoid having to self-isolate!

  1. Social distance

We still have one of the highest Covid rates in North East Lincolnshire that we have ever had so it makes sense to continue to social distance, especially in busy places and indoors.  It seems like a really obvious thing to say, but keeping your distance from other people is the best way to protect yourself from catching the virus and having to self-isolate.

It’ll also mean that you probably won’t be classed as a close contact if someone you know tests positive.

Remaining 2 meters away from other people and trying to meet other people outside rather than indoors dramatically reduces the risk of the virus spreading.

  • Wear a mask

Love them or hate them, masks do help. More and more evidence suggests that masks block the spread of the virus, so if more people wear masks, the virus is less likely to spread to others.

Sure – wearing a mask won’t necessarily stop you from catching the virus and having to self-isolate, but if you wear a mask, others are likely to do the same.

  • Wash your hands

By washing your hands every time you get back from the shops or work, you’re making sure you don’t spread the virus into your home.

Try to avoid touching your head or face until after you’ve washed your hands thoroughly, and do the same before eating.

When you touch contaminated surfaces, COVID can attach to your hands. If you then touch your face or eat without washing your hands, the virus can become ingested.

  • Meet outdoors

As the weather improves, try to meet people outdoors rather than inside. The extra ventilation reduces the risk of transmission, meaning that you’re far less likely to catch the virus than when you meet people indoors.

With the Mediterranean weather that we’ve recently experienced, it’s much easier to get outside and take advantage of our wonderful parks, beaches and open spaces.

  • Get vaccinated

The vaccine doesn’t just stop you from getting seriously ill from COVID. Mounting evidence suggests that it can actually stop you catching the virus altogether if you get both doses of the vaccine.

Some studies that have been carried out are starting to suggest that the vaccine can help block the spread of the infection, so the more people that are vaccinated, the safer you’ll be.

Importantly, evidence suggests that the second dose of the vaccine doubles your level of protection, so get that next jab booked in!

It goes without saying that if you are told to self-isolate, you must do so. It isn’t great having to stay home for 10 days, but you can be proud that you’re helping to stop the spread of a deadly virus.

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