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Please keep recycling banks tidy this Christmas holiday

4:32 pm, Monday, 20th December 2021 - 3 years ago

Bins, waste and recycling

North East Lincolnshire Council warning people they face a fine if they dump rubbish at ‘bring to’ recycling banks this Christmas holiday.

Recycling banks are dotted across the borough at busy locations such as supermarkets and car parks.

They are there for householders to recycle reasonable amounts of cans, glass, paper and plastic in the appropriate bins.

Most people use the sites properly, but a small number illegally dump their rubbish at them. This makes it hard to empty the bins and prevents other people using them.

It’s also harmful to the environment and makes the area look unsightly.

Sites monitored with CCTV

Sites are monitored with CCTV and signs are in place to warn people they can be fined if caught fly-tipping.

All recycling banks carry signs clearly showing what goes in each bin. Signs also say what to do if the bins are full and warn people that they face a fine if they dump rubbish illegally.

If the bins are full, people should return later or use the Community Recycling Centres (CRC or the tip) in Grimsby or Immingham.

Councillor Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities, said:

“If a bring to site is full, try again later or take your waste to one of the community recycling centres in Estuary Way, Grimsby, or Queens Road, Immingham.

“Please do not leave rubbish next to the sites. Other people can’t get to the bins and waste crews have to be diverted from other duties to clear up the mess.

“Piles of rubbish left at these sites is unacceptable, unsightly, and could attract vermin.

“Some of the items dumped at these sites are not items that would go in your household waste bin.

“Just take extra rubbish to the tip in Grimsby or Immingham and dispose of it properly.”

The Council spends tens of thousands of pounds in disposal costs alone for fly-tipped waste each year. The total budget for street cleansing is about £1.5-million per year.

Council workers cleared 286.6 tonnes of fly-tipped rubbish in 2020. Disposing of the fly-tipped waste cost the Council £72,053.

Declining use

Fewer people are using the bring to sites since the Council introduced new household recycling bins last year.

Most households now have two large recycling bins with much greater capacity than they had previously with the triple box system.

Some bring to sites have been removed or replaced in the past two years. These sites were underused or were blighted by people illegally dumping other rubbish such as fridges, building waste and food waste.

Use of the bring to sites is expected to decline further if the Government introduces planned deposit return schemes for some types of recycling.

Fly-tipping is a crime and the council investigates all incidents. Anyone who is caught risks a £400 fixed penalty notice. Where we find enough evidence that can be used, we will take offenders to court.

To report fly-tipping, visit and give as much information as possible.

Enforcement success

Fixed Penalty Notices given since 1 April 2021 for fly-tipping and waste related offences

  • 3 x Failing to give Waste to an Authorised Waste Carrier
  • 4 x Failing to Produce Waste Transfer Notes
  • 14 x Fly-tipping

Successful court prosecutions since 1 April 2021:

  • Washing machine fly-tipped at Garibaldi Street car park on 18 May 2019. In court 30 April 2021. Fine £325, costs £358 and VSC £32
  • Car used in two fly-tips committed on 18 Jan 2020 at Garibaldi Street car park bring to site. In court 12 July 2021. Fine £100 for each offence, costs £202 and VSC £32
  • Van used in fly-tipping offence committed 29 March 2020 at Waltham Road recycling banks. In court 2 July 2021. Fine £150, costs £404.33, VSC £32
  • Glass table top and other items fly-tipped at Garibaldi Street car park on 18 May 2019. In court 2 July 2021. Fine £215, costs £250, VSC £30
  • Household waste fly-tipped on 26 and 27 December 2019 at Garibaldi Street car park. In court 8 July 2021 (arrested on a warrant). Fine £200 for each offence, costs £424, VSC £32
  • Waste in garden Hainton Avenue. In court 23 July 2021. The court fined the two owners £770 each, imposed a victim surcharge of £77, and ordered them to pay costs of £100, making a total of £947 each.
  • Household waste fly-tipped on 18 Jan 2020 at Garibaldi Street car park. In court 23 July 2021. Fine £70.
  • Household waste fly-tipped on 26 December 2018 and 26 December 2019 at Garibaldi Street car park. In court 23 July 2021. Fine £515. No order was made for costs.
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