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Proposed new cycle lane on Weelsby Road brought to a halt

10:50 am, Monday, 17th January 2022 - 3 years ago


The proposal to introduce a dedicated cycleway on a section of the A46 will not go ahead.

The decision follows extensive consultation carried out in late 2021. If support could have been secured, the new cycle lane on Weelsby Road would have run between Bargate and Peaks Parkway.

Councillor Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for environment and transport at North East Lincolnshire Council, would like to thank those who participated in engagement surveys.

With all the surveys reviewed, Cllr Swinburn can confirm that the proposal to introduce a new cycle lane on Weelsby Road did not secure the level of support required through engagement surveys.

“As a council that listens, we have taken your views onboard,” said Cllr Swinburn.

“Your feedback is important and we will always welcome people’s comments on upcoming and ongoing schemes.

“In this case, we’ve decided not to go ahead with a protected cycle lane because the alterations required to install the cycleway were not supported by the community.

“A large number of people, including residents, business owners, cyclists who use the route, and staff and students at the Grimsby Institute, completed the most recent survey, and I’d like to thank you for your comments.”

The council will continue to explore other avenues to improve cyclist safety along this route.

Subject to Department for Transport approval, highways officers are looking at other locations where cycling infrastructure improvements can be implemented.

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