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Remembering the fallen during the COVID-19 pandemic

3:39 pm, Friday, 16th October 2020 - 4 years ago


As Remembrance Day approaches, officials are regrettably having to urge residents not to attend the cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday, due to Government coronavirus restrictions.

Instead, people should try to remember fallen soldiers, sailors and airmen and women either at home or elsewhere.

Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council, Councillor Philip Jackson, said: “Each year people in our area show tremendous support for our serving Armed Forces members, veterans, and the fallen.

“This year will be a little different. For obvious reasons, we cannot all come together to remember.

“Instead of attending the cenotaph in Grimsby, Cleethorpes and elsewhere, we must remember in different ways. This could be with a quiet moment of reflection at home or with family members. However you choose to remember and pay your respects to the fallen, please do so in line with the Government coronavirus guidance.”

Plans have been drawn up for a small ceremony to allow representatives from major organisations in our area to lay wreaths.

The ceremony will be much shorter than usual, with far fewer people invited to attend and lay wreaths. Much of the usual ceremonial features will not be included, with cenotaph sentinels, musicians and flag bearers being dropped to allow for a strict, socially distant event.

Those invited to attend are asked to wear face masks to protect others.

Alex Baxter, Deputy Lord Lieutenant for Lincolnshire and Managing Director of the Armed Forces Major Events Team, said: “It’s important that residents pay their respects in a safe and responsible way.

“We have arranged a small ceremony for specific representatives from across North East Lincolnshire. Those individuals have been invited to attend and lay a wreath.

“If you have not been invited to attend, I would encourage you to instead take a quiet moment to reflect on Remembrance Sunday, wherever you are.”

The Royal British Legion, the country’s largest Armed Forces charity, has issued advice on how people can mark Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday, whilst observing national coronavirus guidelines.

Suggestions include holding a small Remembrance service in your garden, hosting a virtual service using Zoom or social media platforms to connect with friends and loved ones, and using the Royal British Legion’s Remembrance education activities to help teach your children about Remembrance.

Children and families are also being encouraged to create their own Remembrance art piece to display in their window.

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