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Residents encouraged to give their views on plans for two new primary schools

12:34 pm, Tuesday, 27th September 2022 - 2 years ago

Schools and education

Neighbouring residents in Scartho and Waltham are being encouraged to take part in a public consultation on plans to build two new primary schools.

The schools, which would provide much-needed school places for children aged 4 to 11, will be built on land off Matthew Telford Park in Scartho and on the land known as ‘Sunningdale’ in Waltham.

Both pockets of land are owned by the Council and have been earmarked as sites for education provision for some time.

A draft drawing depicting how the school on the Scartho Top education land might look.

The plans for the two new schools were approved by the Council’s Cabinet in March this year, and are expected to go through the formal planning application process in the coming months, seeking permission to begin construction around spring and summer 2023.

According to a letter sent to local residents in these areas, new housing developments has meant that there is an increased demand for the school places.

A draft drawing depicting how the school on the Sunningdale education land might look.

Speaking about the proposed developments, Councillor Margaret Cracknell, Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, said:

“New housing brings with it an increased demand for school places, so we have to plan carefully to ensure schools can cope with current and future demand.

“It’s vital that we continue to put children at the heart of what we do, and access to a good quality education is key to ensuring our children can perform well and reach their potential.

“These proposed new primary schools will each offer an additional 210 places for children and ensure families in these areas continue to have a choice over their children’s education.”

Local people wishing to have their say on the planned primary schools email [email protected] or write to The School Assets Team, 1st Floor, Civic Offices, Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire, DN35 8LB.

The Pre-Application Consultation period for these proposals will last for 14 days and will commence on the 29 September 2022, closing on 12 October 2022. Only responses received during the 14 days’ consultation period will be considered.

A list of frequently asked questions has now been published for Waltham School.

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