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Sea Road redevelopment scheme: Extension of site hoardings  

3:41 pm, Wednesday, 29th September 2021 - 3 years ago


Works to extend the hoardings around the former Waves site on Sea Road will be taking place tomorrow (Thursday 30 September) and are expected to take one day to complete.

The extension of the hoardings follows public realm works around the area which has opened additional footpath space allowing for the creation of a larger and safer site.

Temporary tarmac ramps will also be installed close to the toilets on Sea Road to better improve accessibility in the area.

The footpath will remain open and uninterrupted for the majority of the day, except for short periods of time whilst plant and materials are moved around the footpath. During periods of closure, signage will be erected directing pedestrians to the footway on the north side of Sea Road.  

Motorists will not be disrupted during the works.

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