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Slight delay to improvement works on Grimsby’s Cambridge Road/Chelmsford Avenue junction

3:30 pm, Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 - 3 years ago


North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner, EQUANS, will be carrying out further work on the Cambridge Road/Chelmsford Avenue junction in Grimsby.

This is due to flooding at the site last week, which investigators found was caused by a broken pipe. Repairs on the damaged drainage pipe will take place this weekend on Saturday 6 November and Sunday 7 November. Part of Cambridge Road will close during the work, between Chelmsford Avenue and 2 Cambridge Road.

As a result of our work to find the cause of the flooding, there are slight delays to the scheduled improvement works on phases 3 and 4 (work has been put back by one day). The new dates for each phase can be found below. Phase 5 will go ahead as originally planned.

These works include carriageway resurfacing, the upgrade and replacement of traffic signs and new road markings, illuminated bollards, drainage improvements, and additional minor infrastructure improvements.

Advanced warning signs and a signed diversion route will be in place during the closures. Access for emergency vehicles will continue.

New dates for works and road closures:

Phase 3: Thursday 4 November to Friday 5 November (delayed by one day)

Chelmsford Avenue, between Cambridge Road and 127 Chelmsford Avenue, will be closed for drainage improvements and additional upgrades to the infrastructure.

Additional Phase 3 (to repair the drainage pipe leaking on Cambridge Road): Saturday 6 November to Sunday 7 November. Cambridge Road between Chelmsford Avenue and 2 Cambridge Road will be closed.

Phase 4: Monday 8 November to Thursday 11 November (delayed by one day). Chelmsford Avenue, between Westhill Road and Cambridge Road, will be closed for further drainage improvements and upgrades to the infrastructure.

Phase 5 (will take place as originally scheduled): Overnight between 7pm and 6am on Thursday 11 November, Friday 12 November and Saturday 13 November. A full road closure will be in place to carry out resurfacing work and painting of road markings.

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