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Successful SEND pop-up event at Phoenix Park Academy

3:59 pm, Tuesday, 23rd November 2021 - 3 years ago

Children and families

Parents, carers, and professionals all came together on Friday, 19 November, for a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities pop-up event.

The event, which was held at the Phoenix Park Academy, Harold Street site, was a great success with free tickets for the event selling out.

There was a mix of services at the event including, North East Lincolnshire’s (NEL) Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) for education, mental health and wellbeing provider Compass GO, the SEN Parent Engagement Team, Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) Co -Ordinator, Suzi Cribb, Community Project Manager from VANEL, Jenny Hodson, and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator’s (SENCo) from each of the Wellspring Academy Trust schools.

The event was a great chance for parents and carers to get information first-hand from the establishments that work with them.

Abi Fleming, SEND Parent Engagement Champion, in the Council’s SEN Team organised the event in partnership with Phoenix Park Academy.

Abi said: “We want parents and carers to enjoy coming to events like these.

“We know that their needs are diverse which is why we invited the different services suggested by them to attend.

“Many parents came to speak to one professional but were introduced to other services at the event and enjoyed learning how they could help their child.

Councillor Ian Lindley, Portfolio holder for children, education and skills at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “There is so much more that goes into a child’s experience of learning than school.

“Events like these highlight the importance of the relationships between services and parent carers and their families.

“It is a convenient way for parent carers to speak to local services, but these conversations are also invaluable for local professionals to get a better understanding of the needs of parents and carers.”

Guests also enjoyed refreshments and treats generously baked and served by the students and staff at Phoenix Park.

The team look forward to hosting the next pop-up event with local schools, services, and organisations.

There are lots of ways to get involved. If you would like to work with us either as a parent, carer or professional, please contact Abi Fleming, [email protected].

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