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Test and trace team carrying out doorstep visits in North East Lincolnshire

11:22 am, Tuesday, 16th February 2021 - 4 years ago


Local officers from the Council’s Test & Trace team are carrying out doorstep visits to properties in North East Lincolnshire to offer support to those who are self-isolating and to answer questions from those who have been offered the vaccine but haven’t booked an appointment yet.

The visits are part of an effort to reduce the spread of the virus, support those who are self-isolating at home, and encourage local residents to take up the vaccine when offered it by the NHS.

Test and Trace officers from North East Lincolnshire Council will always carry identification, and will be wearing a face mask or visor, and will exercise social distancing. They will not ask for any financial information from you, or request access to your home.

Councillor Margaret Cracknell, portfolio holder for health, wellbeing and adult social care at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “Our officers are now carrying out visits to some properties in North East Lincolnshire.

“The officers are predominantly there to make sure that those people who are self-isolating at home have got the necessary support. They’re also going to be contacting local residents who have been offered the vaccine but have not engaged with the NHS to book an appointment. This is just to make sure they are OK and to answer any questions they might have about the vaccine.

“The vaccine is our best chance at fighting off this disease and reducing the numbers of people ending up in hospital as a result of its effects.”

People experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should self-isolate immediately and call 119 or visit NHS.UK to arrange a test.

If you’re self-isolating at home and need some support with arranging supplies, contact North East Lincolnshire Council’s Test and Trace team on 01472 313131 (option 0).

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