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Think Cleethorpes! More chances to give us your views

3:12 pm, Thursday, 11th November 2021 - 3 years ago


Cleethorpes Masterplan process is well underway now, with more than 1,900 people already completing the popular online survey.

Here’s another few chances for you to get involved in the next few weeks:

  • Drop in session at Cleethorpes Town Hall on Tuesday 16 November from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
  • Drop by the stand at Grimsby Christmas market on Saturday 27 November at the Riverhead in the town.
  • Drop by the stand at Cleethorpes Christmas market on Saturday 4 December in the Market square.

Award-winning designers HemingwayDesign, have been brought in to have a fresh look at the future of Cleethorpes, and it’s already paying off, with lots of people already submitting their views.

HemingwayDesign, a multi-disciplinary design agency and GL Hearn, has been appointed to create a masterplan for the resort of Cleethorpes – from North Prom all the way to the Fitties, from Central Prom to St Peter’s Avenue and all bits in between.

“You have an amazing coastline here,” said Wayne Hemingway, owner of the company, on a recent visit. “There’s so much natural beauty, alongside the traditional seaside offering and opportunities to capitalise even more on the ‘staycation boom’ and the desire to live ‘by the sea’ that has been accelerated by the pandemic

“Our first job is to listen to the people who know best, the residents, businesses, those that visit, those that know and love Cleethorpes and want to see it continue to be a great place as society evolves. We want to know what people think of what’s here, and what could be here in the future,” Wayne continued.

“We’re looking at everything, from how the resort looks, how it could feel in the future, what businesses could be here in the future and how the resort can purposefully evolve and respond to environmental, health and wellbeing and business issues.

“We want to really get under the skin of local perceptions and understand why people feel like they do.”

From now until Sunday 12 December, there is a survey live online where you can feed in your views, available from

The aim of the masterplan is to create a vibrant town , where  people enjoy living, visiting and where businesses thrive all year long.

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