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Toll Bar roundabout: footpath closure on the North East corner for up to three weeks for essential works

11:58 am, Monday, 14th September 2020 - 4 years ago


Major works by Northern PowerGrid (NPG) as part of the Toll Bar roundabout improvement programme will begin on Wednesday (16 September).

NPG needs to lay a new high voltage mains supply in the footpath of the north eastern corner of the roundabout during the scheme’s next phase.

To ensure the safety of pedestrians and contractors, the closure of a section of footpath between Station Road (east) and Louth Road (north) is required for the duration of the works.

Pedestrians, including school children walking to Tollbar Academy from New Waltham, will be diverted around the works, with temporary Pelican crossings – staffed with marshals on schooldays – installed on Station Road (east) and the A16.

Station Road (west) will be reduced to a single carriageway in both directions, with a large temporary island installed between the carriageways. Traffic signals will be used at all times to ensure students attending Tollbar Academy can cross safely, with marshals here as well.

A temporary Pelican crossing is also being installed on the A16 north to help students who use a bus stop on the opposite side to the academy to cross the road.

The marshals are among a series of additional safety measures are being brought in by North East Lincolnshire Council, its regeneration partner ENGIE and contractors CR Reynolds.

Extra temporary barriers installed in other areas will keep pedestrians off the road.

This phase of works is expected to last three weeks, though the hope is that it will be completed more quickly.

Cllr Stewart Swinburn, Cabinet member for highways at North East Lincolnshire Council said that though the works had always been planned, some of the timing of third party work isn’t always controllable, and the measures being put in place are to ensure the safety of pedestrians.

“We apologise for the inconvenience this will cause but the timing has been out of our hands.

“The next available slot Northern PowerGrid contractors were available was November, which would have delayed the scheme well into the New Year.

“We appreciate it will be inconvenient for pedestrians but we ask for their co-operation.

“The marshals are there to help with safety and traffic management.

“While Northern PowerGrid contractors lay the mains supply, CR Reynolds will complete all other works needed on that North Eastern corner as part of the overall programme, including new railings, pathway and kerbing.

“This will avoid closing it again.”

Motorists are warned to expect further delays at the roundabout with the operation of the temporary pelican crossings.

Tollbar Academy, New Waltham Parish Council, residents, and other stakeholders are being informed about the works.

Preparatory works will take place on Tuesday between 9am and 2.30pm before NPG move onto the site on Wednesday.

Cllr Swinburn added: “We are trying to keep disruption caused by the major programme of works at Tollbar to a minimum.

“We would ask motorists to avoid the roundabout if they can, particularly at times when the school children access and leave the school site.

“Officers have liaised with Tollbar Academy and we are grateful for its help in communicating messages to students and parents about this phase of the works.”

Project liaison officer Chris Butts, appointed by CR Reynolds, will respond to any concerns raised by residents, businesses, or other stakeholders.

He can be contacted Monday to Friday during office hours on 07779 431 127 or emailed at [email protected].

Residents or businesses with a specific issue regarding the project can contact the delivery team at [email protected]


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