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Training available for parents to become peer mentor volunteer

3:14 pm, Wednesday, 9th February 2022 - 3 years ago

Children and families

Are you a parent or carer of a child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)? Would you be interested in becoming a Peer Mentor volunteer and offering a listening ear to other parents and carers?

North East Lincolnshire Council is offering people the opportunity to train as Peer Mentors and support other parent carers at local events like the SEND coffee mornings. 

The training is funded by the Council and is delivered online over six weeks via Microsoft Teams. Each session lasts around 2-hours. The dates and times can be arranged to fit around your other commitments. 

There are ten places available available. Once trained, you will be invited to attend coffee morning sessions along with three events throughout the year in your new role as a volunteer qualified peer support mentor. 

The training includes: 

  • 6 AQA Units exploring the Peer Mentor role, relationship with mentee, signposting and supporting peer mentors and their own self-care.
  • A designated Learning and Development Practitioners to plan, lead and complete assessment and evaluation of learning.
  • Workbooks and creative activities to support the learning
  • AQA certificates on completion

Clare Linfitt, SEND Services Manager at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “As a parent carer of a child with SEND, you are in a great position to understand the perspective of other parent carers of children with additional needs.

“Our local parent carers have told us that they would like to be supported by others who have had shared similar experiences and have walked in their shoes. That is why we are developing the SEND Peer Mentor Volunteer Programme.”

Councillor Ian Lindley, Portfolio Holder for Children and Education at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “You will provide a listening ear to local parent carers.

“Your role is integral to the work that is done in SEND and is highly valued. This insight helps to understand and improve what we can offer to everyone.”

If you would like to apply to take part in the training to become a SEND Peer Mentor volunteer, complete an expression of interest at:  

All applications must be in by Friday 4 March, 2022. 

Or if you would like to find out more about how we work with parent carers and the impact it makes, contact Abi Fleming, SEND Parent Engagement Champion, by email on [email protected].

If you have any questions about the training, please contact [email protected].

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