FREE Home Office-funded training is being made available to parents and professionals in North East Lincolnshire to help tackle online radicalisation.
The training, which is being organised by a training provider on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council, is hoped to help authorities reduce the number of young people being exposed to material online which could lead to them becoming radicalised.
Over 160 parents will have the opportunity to benefit from the one-off sessions, and these are open to any parent living in North East Lincolnshire. The sessions will be delivered online.
Councillor Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:
“I’m really pleased that we’ve been awarded this funding and can deliver this training. We know that online platforms are playing an increasingly significant role in exposing our young people to harmful material and I think it’s important that the dangers are highlighted to parents and professionals and they have the tools to keep young people safe online.
“All sessions for professionals and frontline practitioners are now full, and this is reassuring because it clearly demonstrates that this training is needed, and also that professionals such as social workers, youth workers and teachers are on board with this approach.
“The signs of a young person being radicalised aren’t always obvious, so this training will equip parents and professionals with the tools and knowledge to spot these signs, step in early, and ensure young people get the support they need.”
Online radicalisation was last year identified as the biggest risk in the North East Lincolnshire Counter-terrorism local profiles.
The online training for parents will last one hour and will explore the threats posed on social media and gaming sites, and look at how these platforms are used to groom and exploit young people.
To register for one of the free online sessions, visit
If you are concerned that someone you know may be at risk of being radicalised, visit for more information and useful resources.
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