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We’re celebrating Care Leavers Week 2020

10:00 am, Saturday, 7th November 2020 - 4 years ago


North East Lincolnshire has lots of great care leavers, and this week we’re celebrating their successes.

Care leavers are young people who have spent time growing up in the care of the Council.

This year’s theme for Care Leavers Week is care leavers in careers.

Jordan, aged 25, grew up in the care of the Council, and has since gone on to carve out a career with the local authority.

Reflecting on his success, Jordan says that his desire to contribute to the care system has helped him to get to where he is now.

Jordan said: “At the age of eight, I moved in with my carers and boy was it a rough ride for them. I was destructive and didn’t know how to manage my emotions, but my carers didn’t give up on me.

“After leaving school, I had my heart set on attending university, so I enrolled in college, but found the allure of parties and socialising much more appealing than completing any college work.

“This put a strain on my relationship with my carers, and they decided it was time for me to move into my own flat and be more independent.”

Once Jordan got his own place, he got an apprenticeship in warehousing and adapted his lifestyle to suit the job. Eventually he rose to warehouse manager before applying for a job with the Council as a care officer in a residential home.

“I got the job, and a year later my girlfriend and I have just bought our first house and I’m in the final year of my degree. Every day I go to work knowing I’m making a difference to young people’s lives.

“My relationship with my foster carers has never been better, they are like my parents and I’m grateful to them for helping me be independent.

“My advice to care leavers is to understand it’s not their fault they are in this position. There’s more than one route to get to where you want to be, and nothing happens quickly.”

And Jordan isn’t the only care leaver thriving in our area. Another young care leaver in our area is set to move into his own flat next month after benefitting from the support of YMCA  Humber whilst living at the Foyer in Grimsby.

Whilst living at the YMCA Humber’s Foyer, the young man took up volunteering opportunities in a variety of roles, and last year reached the semi-finals of the YMCA Youth Matters Awards.

Councillor Ian Lindley, portfolio holder for children, education and young people at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “In North East Lincolnshire we have 60 care leavers, aged 19-21, who are in education, employment or training. This is up by almost 50% on the previous period, 2018-19.

“I am immensely proud of our care leavers, and of the work that we – particularly the care Leavers team, now known as New Futures – do alongside our partner agencies including YMCA Humber  to give these individuals the help and support they need to get to where they want to be.

“These are just two examples, but there are many more. Care leavers often end up in care through no fault of their own, and it’s important that they have access to the same opportunities as everyone else as they grow and develop. I would ask all local businesses and organisations even in these difficult economic times to consider these young people for an apprenticeship or traineeship where financial support is given by the Government or even a short work placement to assist them.”

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