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Youth Action Summer Social Fun!

10:12 am, Wednesday, 24th August 2022 - 2 years ago

Your voice

Last week, the local Youth Action group held their annual Summer Social event which was a great success – filled with food, fun and lots of activities.

Youth Action is a local group which gathers at the Grimsby Town Hall once a month to discuss important issues to young people. These sessions are different each month depending on the visitors that attend (such as the police to discuss safety concerns) and what issues are most important to them. An important part of Youth Action is distributing the Your Voice, Your Vote Survey, which is given to schools each year for kids to tick an issue that they feel important to them, and this is then acted upon by the Youth Action group. This is extremely important within the local area as it helps to ensure that young people feel listened to.

Another part of the Youth Action group is the annual Summer Social Event which took place last week at the Duke of Edinburgh Centre next to Old Clee Primary School. The event included a chippy for everyone which generated lots of interesting discussions about the current state-of-the-world, lots of team-building exercises and also a music quiz at the end! The team building activities included the young people being split into groups with the aim to build the highest tower out of only newspaper and 5 pieces of tape. This activity, along with the ‘Magic Rope game’ was an absolute winner as lots of laughs were hard, despite them being such difficult challenges to conquer.

If this is something that may be interesting to you, get in touch and help other young people have their views heard – contact Pippa at [email protected].

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