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Supplementary planning documents

The preparation of supplementary planning documents if optional. Where they are prepared, they are designed to provide additional guidance and information to support the delivery of the policies set out in the adopted Local Plan.

They can be used to guide development on specific sites, or on a particular issue, such as design. They can take the form of design guides, area appraisals, development briefs or issue-based documents.

Supplementary planning documents are capable of being material considerations in planning decisions but are not part of the development plan. Unlike the Local Plan they do not undergo an examination however they are subject to a period of public consultation.

There are currently two adopted supplementary planning documents, these are:

Contact details

Spatial Planning, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 324272

Opening times: please call to make an appointment