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Apprentices share stories of ‘fantastic’ time at the Council for National Apprenticeship Week

10:00 am, Monday, 5th February 2024 - 1 year ago

Adult skills

National Apprenticeship Week (Monday 5th February – Sunday 11th February) is a time for employers to celebrate those who have made a positive impact in their role as well as showcase the wonderful work the apprentices have done.

North East Lincolnshire Council has 62 apprentices, each providing invaluable work. To celebrate their successes, five apprentices have given an insight into how they came to be in the Council and some of their greatest achievements so far.

Laura Sadler – Learning and Development Officer

NELC apprentice
Laura Sadler, a Learning and Development Officer

Laura said: “I started my apprenticeship as a Learning & Development Practitioner level 3 in 2021 and since then have gone on to secure a permanent role within the Learning and Development team.

“From start to finish the apprenticeship process was fantastic, I was well supported and developed by my team which allowed me to achieve my apprenticeship and easily meet the criteria. The apprenticeship pushed me to do things I would have previously shied away from and allowed me to develop a niche set of skills that have set me up well for a career in Learning and Development.

“Based on my personal experience, I would encourage any young person to do an apprenticeship, especially with NELC.”

Lewis Hubbert – Learning and Development Apprentice

NELC apprentice
Lewis Hubbert, a Learning and Development apprentice

Lewis began his apprenticeship in August 2023 and has gone from strength to strength ever since. He said: “I first joined the council through work experience, which I found at a careers event at Humberston Academy where I went to school.

“I picked this due to my interest in media, which the work experience covered. A year later I applied for a Digital Marketing level 3 apprenticeship here instead of college as it gave me the opportunity to gain a qualification and further work experience.

“One of the most memorable days since working here was going to the roof of the town hall to take photographs.”

Lucie Blisset – Business Support Officer

NELC apprentice
Lucie Blisset, a Business Support Officer

Lucie started at the Council in May last year and has now gone on to secure a permanent role in her team. She said: “I am currently studying for a Business Administrator Level 3 qualification and started at the council in May 2023. I saw this as a great opportunity to gain valuable skills, knowledge and to network with variety of different colleagues and departments.

“Since December 2023, I have gained a permanent position within Business Support in the Legal department team. My team are supporting me while I carry on with my studies. My apprenticeship has allowed me to have hands-on experience, a salary, and the opportunity to gain qualification while I work.

“I would recommend any young person to complete one as it’s an amazing way to progress for your future career.”

Sophie Jewkes – Accounts Apprentice

NELC apprentice
Sophie Jewkes, an Accounts apprentice

Sophie enjoys her apprenticeship as it allows her to be close to home and is helping her to reach her goals. She said: “I started my apprenticeship in August 2023 as an Accounts Apprentice – a steppingstone towards a career I have always envisioned.

“I had always wanted to become an accountant through an apprenticeship because it allowed me to reach a career aspiration, while close to home and earning money along the way. I never realised that that was an option at NELC.

“I was lucky enough to take part in a summer internship with NELC which introduced me to the accountancy department who have since took me under their wing. I have learnt more under their guidance than I ever could in a classroom, from transferable skills as simple as confidence to the more niche finance skills that I never knew I needed. An apprenticeship with NELC, is definitely something I would recommend to anyone.”

Lois Jarvis – ICT Administrator Apprentice 

NELC apprentice
Lois Jarvis, an ICT Administrator apprentice

Lois said: “I began my apprenticeship with IT and Digital in 2023 aiming to secure a permanent role within the department upon the completion of my coursework and exams. 

“Since I joined, I believe I have learned lots of new skills and knowledge that helps me to constantly develop within the role as I was well supported by my team and other members of the department. The apprenticeship has helped me to build on my confidence communicating with other people and also allowed me to develop on key traits such as professionalism from communication with customers and suppliers.

“It has also allowed me to strengthen my time management skills by managing a healthy work – personal life balance. 
Based on my experience to date, I would encourage any young person leaving school to do an apprenticeship.”

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