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Bargate/ Church Lane Traffic Signal Improvement and Parapet repair – Project Update

8:14 am, Wednesday, 30th October 2024 - 1 month ago


The essential improvement works currently underway at the junction of Bargate are progressing well, and North East Lincolnshire Council and its delivery partner Equans would like to provide an update on the upcoming programme of works.

The carriageway resurfacing and road markings for the Bargate/Church Lane junction improvement, which were due to start on Tuesday 08 October had unfortunately been delayed due to bad weather and delays in utility diversion works. The works started on Monday 28 October and are scheduled to completed in mid November.

These works will be carried out in 2 phases, as detailed below:

Phase 1 – Zone 2 and Zone 3 (Monday 28 October – Wednesday 06 November)

During this phase overnight road closures will be in place each night between 7pm and 6am (Monday to Friday) for the duration, on the following streets: Bargate, Dudley Street, Grosvenor Street, Cartergate, Pelham Road, Deansgate, and the junction of Littlefield Lane. These road closures are necessary for the resurfacing works and to ensure the safety of both the public and contractors.

Local diversions will be in place overnight for this work, and during these closures, temporary traffic signals will be set up at the junction of Frederick Ward Way and Church Lane.

Following recent site surveys, some additional areas of deterioration of the carriageway surface have been identified along Dudley Street. As a result, additional resurfacing will now be undertaken, which will extend up to the junction with Littlefield Lane.

Due to the revised extent of surfacing on Dudley Street, access to Pelham Road and Dudley Street will be restricted. Additionally, the junction of Littlefield Lane will need to be closed to allow a safe working area for the contractor. Access for residents on Cartergate will be maintained from Lord Street and Cartergate. There will be a traffic marshal on site at the Queens Parade junction to allow residential access to properties on Cartergate within the closure extents.

Phase 2 – Zone 1 and Zone 2 (Thursday 07 November – Wednesday 13 November)

During this phase of the works, overnight road closures will also be in place each night between 7pm and 6am (Monday to Friday) for the duration, on the following streets: Frederick Ward Way, Church Lane, Wellowgate, Bethlehem Street and Deansgate. These road closures are necessary for the resurfacing works and to ensure the safety of both the public and contractors.

Local diversions will be in place overnight for this work. During these closures, temporary traffic signals will be set up at the junction of Bargate and Dudley Street.

After the completion of the carriageway resurfacing and road markings works, 24hrs temporary traffic signals will remain in place until the installation and commissioning of the new traffic signals equipment is completed.

For details about the project, see Included on the webpage is a question and answer page for the full Bargate project, along with the existing and proposed layout of the junction.

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