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Can you help integrate the voice of children and young people into our creative strategy?

9:27 am, Wednesday, 9th November 2022 - 2 years ago


North East Lincolnshire Council is looking for a dedicated individual to work with Children and Young People (C&YP) and make them an integral part of delivering the Creative Strategy for the area.

The opportunity is funded by :IVE, who work with education, arts, cultural and youth sectors across Yorkshire and the Humber to make sure all children and young people have access to great arts and cultural opportunities, The primary aims of recruiting a freelancer  to this task  is to develop the recently established Creativity Board’s understanding of youth experience and engagement in creativity across North East Lincolnshire.   

The Youth Voice Coordinator will:

  • engage with children and young people
  • make links with education settings and community organisations that work with C&YP
  • Coordinate and oversee a ‘Young Ambassadors’ scheme; between 5-7 young people aged between 18-24 with an interest in developing as creative practitioners and working with C&YP.

The development of ‘Young Ambassadors’, overseen by the coordinator, will provide early-career opportunities for young people with a passion for creativity to work in the sector, upskill, and gain valuable knowledge of the landscape to inform future work.

Cllr Tom Furneaux, Cabinet member for culture, said: “Importantly, the partnership is about integrating the voices and experiences of young people into the direction of travel of culture in our area.

“In the last few years, we’ve helped to deliver lots of creative programmes for young people – things like Grimsby Creates Noise, the Moon and Gaia in Grimsby Minster and #MyfishGY. The Moon installation alone had more than 18,000 visitors and 17 school visits while it was here.

“We need to make sure that the voice of children and young people have a place at the table and helps to guide the future.”

The overall aim of the work is to look at how young people become aware of, and take part in, cultural activities in North East Lincolnshire, trying to understand where the barriers are and how to remove these, and make sure the voice of children and young people is heard at the point where input is needed.

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