Heritage Open Days are coming back to Cleethorpes with a bang this weekend, with the familiar phrase, “That’s the way to do it” due to be heard many times as a traditional Punch and Judy show takes place near the Knoll.
The Punch and Judy show will play three times during the day (11.30am, 1.30pm and 2.45pm) on the grassed area outside the Knoll while Blighty’s Café will be selling cakes and coffee. Watch out in the area as well for Strong Men in traditional Victorian bathing costumes walking around between the St Peter’s Avenue, Sea View Quarter and Alexandra Road as part of the experience!
Cleethorpes Town Hall will be hosting a free exhibition on Saturday 11 September as well. Cleethorpes Charter Trustees and Meggies invite you to explore the “Fun, Food and Fishy Tales” exhibition in the main Chamber room which will explain about food and sweets that have delighted generations, from cockles to candyfloss and more. Why not drop by between 10am and 4pm and have a look at old photos, artefacts and recipes.
And from this weekend, a new Cleethorpes Heritage Trail will be available on the ‘Love Exploring App’, with support from the Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Civic Society. You can download the free app to most smartphones. As well as taking you around some of the key points in the town, the app will show old photographs at various points of the trail, so people can visualise how the townscape has changed.
Thanks to some great technology, you can also have a virtual walk around the Knoll building and see some of the stunning features in the restored building. As part of the Heritage Open Day work this year, a full 3D scan of the interior of the Knoll in Cleethorpes has been taken of the building which offers a fully accessible view of the building and shows the amazing restoration work done in recent years. You can access this scan from https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=M6GWAZprzFZ from the weekend.
Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture, bringing together over 2,000 local people and organisations, and thousands of volunteers.
Every year in September, places across the country throw open their doors to celebrate their heritage, community, and history. It is an opportunity for people to see hidden places free of charge. This year events will take place across the country between 10 and 19 September, with a number of North East Lincolnshire places taking part.
For more information about events this weekend and next, visit the Heritage Open Days website and if you can’t get out and about, there’s plenty of online content you can access from anywhere in the world. Visit www.heritageopendays.org.uk for more information.
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