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Fresh CCTV images published in fly-tipping crackdown

12:08 pm, Tuesday, 28th February 2023 - 2 years ago


North East Lincolnshire Council is appealing to the public for their help to identify people it would like to speak to in connection with fly-tipping offences in Grimsby.

Environmental enforcement officers at the Council are releasing fresh CCTV images to help tackle fly-tipping in the borough.

People can view the images and use an online reporting form at

The council monitors known fly-tipping hotspots with CCTV and has captured several instances of illegal waste dumping in Corporation Road in November and one in Doughty Road last July.

If you have any information that can help identify the people in the images, contact the council in confidence online at or by calling 01472 326300. You will need to quote the reference number included with the image.

So far, 5 people have been fined since as a direct result of the Caught on Camera appeal. These include offences in St Peter’s Avenue, Cromwell Road and Haycroft Avenue. A number of other cases have also been cleared up with the public’s help.

Councillor Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for Safer and Stronger Communities, said:

“Fly-tipping is a criminal offence and a blight on our communities. It is totally unacceptable that some people think it is okay to dump their waste on our streets.

“Fly-tipping is a national problem that not only blights our communities but also costs UK taxpayers millions of pounds each year to clean up.

“If you recognise anyone in the images, please get in touch. Information you provide can help keep your community clean for everyone.”

Five reasons not to fly-tip at communal bins

The Council called on households to use communal bins, litter bins and recycling banks responsibly. It has now removed most of its bring-to recycling banks, but communal bins remain in some places.

The more problematic bring-to sites were a drain on its resources as staff had to be taken from their regular duties to clean up the mess left by fly-tippers.

Here are five reasons why people should not fly-tip their waste next to communal recycling bins:

  1. It’s illegal. Fly-tipping is a criminal offence and can result in hefty fines. The council takes a zero-tolerance approach to fly-tipping and will not hesitate to prosecute those who break the law.
  2. It’s harmful to the environment. Fly-tipping has a detrimental impact on the environment. It can also harm wildlife and lead to soil and water contamination.
  3. It’s unsightly. Fly-tipping is unsightly and can make public spaces look unkempt and neglected. This can impact on the sense of community and pride in the area. It can also attract rodents and other vermin.
  4. It’s unnecessary. Households can take their waste and recycling to the Community Recycling Centres in Grimsby and Immingham for free. Both sites are open daily from 8am to 6pm.
  5. It’s a waste of time and money. Some people think it’s OK to dump any old rubbish at communal recycling bins. At times, it’s so bad our staff can’t even get to the bins to empty them. Recycling bins are for recycling and nothing else. When people leave other rubbish next to the bins, we have to divert staff from other duties to clear up the mess. This is a complete waste of their time.

Caught on Camera

We publish images on our Caught on Camera web page related to fly-tipping and other environmental offences.

We do this to ask for the public’s help in identifying people, who cannot be identified by other means, that we want to speak to in connection with our enquiries.

Please visit for our Privacy Notice and Operational Policy.

SCRAP campaign

North East Lincolnshire Council is part of the SCRAP campaign, a nationwide crackdown against fly-tipping.

The campaign reminds people to check their waste is being taken away for disposal by a licensed carrier – either by asking to see a Waste Carriers Licence or by looking up the company on the Environment Agency website.

SCRAP stands for:

  • Suspect ALL waste carriers
  • Check with the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506 that the provider taking your waste away is licensed
  • Refuse unexpected offers to have waste taken away
  • Ask what will happen to your waste
  • Paperwork should be obtained – get a full receipt.

Duty of care

If you are paying someone to take your waste, you must check they are licensed to take it.

Check the register by calling the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506 or visit

Always ask for identification and a receipt. You can be fined £300 if your waste is dumped unlawfully.

The Duty of Care applies to individuals and all commercial entities. This includes private sector businesses such as shops, offices, factories, and tradespersons (e.g. electricians, builders, glaziers and plumbers) and public sector services such as schools, hospitals and prisons, as well as charities and voluntary and community groups. It also includes permitted operations or exempt facilities that produce waste as part of their activities.

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