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Introduction of double yellow lines to Low Road, Healing

10:12 am, Wednesday, 25th November 2020 - 4 years ago


North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner, ENGIE, are planning to introduce double yellow lines on sections of Low Road in Healing.

The ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions follow significant road safety concerns and near-miss incidents caused by parking issues around Healing Academy during pick-up and drop-off times.

Double yellow lines will be installed on Low Road between the junction with the B1210 to just past the junction with The Avenue. A second set will also be installed on Low Road on the approach to the mini roundabout.

Councillor Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for environment and transport, said: “Local residents, the parish council and ward councillors have all expressed their road safety concerns about this issue and we’ve worked closely with them on their concerns.

“As a short-term measure to address the current issues, we’re putting a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order in place to allow the use of double yellow lines in the area to avoid a build-up of parked vehicles.

“Longer term, we continue to discuss potential improvements and how to address the issue. Once a scheme is agreed by key stakeholders, we will be engaging with residents prior to signing off any proposed scheme. We remain committed to working with the school, police and local councillors to address these significant issues for the village.”

Councillor David Hasthorpe, ward councillor for the Wolds, added: “I’m pleased to see the introduction of these double yellow lines as a short-term measure to address immediate road safety concerns in this area of Healing.

“I remain committed to working on the issue with the council, ENGIE, the parish council, the police and the school to tackle these significant issues for the village and work towards a longer term improvement scheme, planned for next year.” 

The council and ENGIE are planning to advertise the Temporary Traffic Regulation Order on Thursday 26 November and install the double yellow lines in December, subject to weather conditions.

A road closure is not required for these works and the impact on traffic and residents will be minimal with localised traffic management (cones and barriers) being used.

Civil enforcement officers will enforce these restrictions and will issue penalty charge notices to vehicles found to be waiting on the double yellow lines. 

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