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Volunteering wins

Celebrating success

At TakePartNEL we like to celebrate the positive efforts, actions and outcomes our volunteers supply and generate with the time and enthusiasm they put into everything they do.

Below are just a taster of some of the things we have supported and been part of and will give you an idea of what YOU could volunteer for and be part of yourself. You can also read the thoughts of some of our TakePartNEL volunteer family and hear what volunteering has meant to them.

To be part of the TakePartNEL family complete the Volunteer registration .

Volunteering wins

Every year, from the 1 June to 7 June, as a nation we celebrate Volunteers Week. It’s a chance to celebrate, thank and show support and love for the amazing volunteers who do wonderful things day in, day out across NE Lincs and beyond.

Luckily one of the largest volunteer recruitment drives we have seen was part of TakePartNEL’s first ever Volunteers Week. We had the pleasure of inducting our volunteers for National Armed Forces Day event during our first Volunteers Week. It was a fitting way to engage with fabulous people looking to volunteer for a great cause…..which is what volunteering is all about…that Volunteers Week, Team AFD was born.

I urge you each year to look out for all the great messages and stories across the news and social media highlighting the great volunteering efforts across NE Lincs and beyond.

In their words …

“Attending the Team AFD induction event gave me the opportunity to meet fellow volunteers, receive information about the event and be inspired to be the best volunteer that I could be.”

Sara, Grimsby

“The Induction was better that expected.  It contained a really useful  history of the event,  relevant  information regarding the expectations of our roles and it was delivered with a genuine enthusiasm which was imparted to the Volunteers”

Anne, Grimsby

“The induction evening was informative with a friendly atmosphere, made me feel part of the team immediately even though I’d not interacted with anyone yet.”

Sian, Grimsby

NE Lincolnshire was proud to be host of the National Armed Forces Day event and with the eyes of the nation upon us our community spirit stepped up to the mark. This came in the form of a fantastically dedicated team of volunteers, namely Team AFD.

The positivity and endeavour the team brought has set the benchmark for what working together for the community can achieve. #TeamAFDOver 100 people registered to be part of Team AFD, a diverse group of amazing people who gave their time and positive efforts towards supporting us in hosting this prestigious event.

In their words … 

“Helping the local community to put OUR area on the map. Meeting heroes, making friends. Sharing the day, Volunteering gives satisfaction and makes you proud.”

Sue, Grimsby

“It was fantastic to be part of such a friendly, enthusiastic team and the buzz from ensuring members of the public had the best day possible was priceless.”

Wendy, Hull

“First time I have done any kind of volunteering and I found it great fun! Meeting loads of new people and feeling part of something great, I had an amazing weekend and would definitely do it again.”

Collette, Tetney


Supporting this years local Armed Forces event were a cohort of our TakePartNEL volunteers who came together as Team AFD 2017. Whether it was assisting with lost children, medical issues or simply giving out event or local information, our volunteers support the event superbly and have been commended by the public and event staff.

In their words … 

“What can I say. It was a privilege again to assist in taking part in AFD as a volunteer. To see the public honour our armed forces and veterans as always is a never forget experience”

Graham, Grimsby

“To be part of it again makes me so proud and to see how much effort was put in by all was fab! Being back with old friends and making new ones made the weekend extra special”

Jaci, Goxhill

“Another amazing weekend meeting back up with the team from last year and new volunteers helping and supporting  bringing the community together  as a volunteer makes me proud”

Jill, Grimsby


This years TeamAFD crew really got stuck in and supported the event in a few different ways. As usual they helped with enquiries from the public with their now renowned positivity but also gathered feedback, helped with event support (such as lost children and medical issues) and even walked with the parades. The feedback on their efforts from the event management, suppliers, participants and public has been fantastic…well done guys.

Woofs was a fantastic local event all about our little four legged friends. Our volunteers were a big contributor on the day ensuring visitors were welcomed and informed as well as assisting with ‘in show events’ and stalls across the site. It again shows how much volunteering supports positive events and action within our community.

In their words … 

“I was a volunteer at WOOFS and it was a great experience. As I’m a dog lover, it was great to meet lots of different dogs and their owners. It was such different work to my normal work that it broadened my experience and allowed me to meet the public which my normal role doesn’t require. It was also good to meet other enthusiastic volunteers.”

Wendy, Hull

The Urban Arts Festival is growing in both stature and reputation year on year and this years event was supported by a dedicated team of community focussed volunteers. Events like this really do contribute to the art and cultural development of our community and it is fabulous to see volunteers stepping forward to be a positive and supportive part of it.

In their words … 

“Urban Arts festival was a fab event, it gave me an opportunity to engage with some amazing artists in graffiti, dance and rap that I would never have had the chance to meet otherwise! Lovely team of volunteers and organisers who made everyone feel welcome and valued”

Jaci, Goxhill

“Volunteering for the Urban Art’s Festival, it was for me exhilarating and inspirational how the public and volunteers/organisers encouraged the young and old to participate. I hope I have chance to attend the next one.”

Graham, Grimsby

On a day spent at the Knoll in Cleethorpes our volunteers really did show fabulous community spirit coming together by spending the day creating the ‘Poppy Wave’ in anticipation of Novembers Remembrance Day events.

Thank you to everyone who contributed and be truly proud of the fantastic tribute your efforts and time produced.

In their words … 

“I met two ladies round about my age and their husbands were at work so they came out the house to help out with poppies and I chatted with them as I live on my own and am a widow and find volunteering great with meeting people”

Marian, Cleethorpes

“It was amazing that people from all walks of life came together for one cause, it was amazing to see different generations working together. I am proud to be a volunteer and will help my community whenever I can.”

Melanie, Grimsby

“It was a really emotional & humbling day – any pain we had from bending or stretching to place the Poppies was nothing compared to the pain borne by the Soldiers.”

Nicola, Grimsby

“Volunteering to do a memorial felt good that I was able to give something back to those who have given us so much. Everyone knows someone who have been or who are in the forces, whether it is a parent, a son, a brother, a sister, aunt or uncle or just a neighbour, so it’s good to do something for them.”

Tina, Holton Le Clay

Not even the rain could dampen the sprirts of this fabulous bunch of volunteers who came together to support such a poignant event. Our team assisted with information queries from the public as well as helping direct the course for the runners then rounding things off by helping organise the laying of the poppy crosses at Knoll House.

Thank you to all for your time and support.

In their words … 

“Get involved, just do it and it will be worth it.”

David, Holton le Clay

“We never let the weather get us down, we are a strong team of volunteers. Whatever the weather you can count on us always to be here to help”

Jill, Grimsby

It’s with huge pride I can confirm that Team AFD won ‘Community Project of the Year’!The hard work and community spirit of our volunteers who were part TeamAFD was recognised in deserved fashion at the ‘Grimsby Telegraph Heart of the Community Awards’.A genuine huge thank you to all who were part of Team AFD and who still continue support the voluntary activities we have as part of TakePart NEL. A group of true community minded people who gave up a vast amount of their time and energy to help make the biggest event our borough has ever seen a real success.

The TakePart NEL volunteers braved the cold to come out in numbers to support a fantastically creative effort by up to 50 children to welcome the festive period. Through Foresight, local children explored their artistic side by building their own festive lanterns and then were able to showcase them in this truly family focussed occasion. Our volunteers helped organise and lead the children along the route which was rounded off by some welcoming hot chocolate and mince pies.

In their words …

“The lantern parade was a lovely experience to see the excitement on the children & parents faces, it was  lovely to meet them all. Well done Nicky & supporters for giving us this opportunity.”

Maria, Grimsby

“What a pleasure it was volunteering for the lantern procession seeing all the children and their hard work was wonderful. Well done to the organisers and their amazing work with the children”

Jill, Grimsby

This fantastic event held at Weelsby Primary Academy brought together a host of different organisations from the police and fire services to public health to local charities all with the focus of bringing fun and advice to the community. As always our TakePartNEL volunteers were on hand to support the day.

The Together for East Marsh Project held a Summer Fete in Grant Thorold Park. It was a fabulously well attended event with stalls, entertainment and lots of partner organisations offering advice to the community. TakePartNEL volunteers were proud to be there to help support this positive community event.

Our TakePartNEL volunteers continue to show amazing support and community spirit with the latest example being their participation in the Community Response Volunteer programme. Our group of volunteers are giving their time to be inducted and part of a community focussed team of volunteers who can support NELC services and their community in times of emergency. Working alongside Humber Emergency Planning Service (HEPS) we are harnassing their fantastic enthusiasm and have been developing the role they can play locally.

Franklin College staff, in conjunction with TakePartNEL, volunteered their time as part of their CSR to work as team to litter pick along Cleethorpes beach. A highly productive team effort which was fantastic to be part of and witness the positive impact it had on both the beach front and the volunteers alike.

Each year the Great Grimsby10k gets bigger and bigger….with the latest being the biggest yet and therefore needed a lot of support. Amongst the 450 volunteers on the day were a number of TakePartNEL volunteers who turned out on a fabulous morning to help with the smooth running of the operation. As usual the volunteers contribution was invaluable and hugely valued by the event organisers. Well done to all involved in such a great event which so many people enjoy and benefit from.

In their words …

“I have never been given such a responsibility before, marshalling at this event has given me my confidence back to believe in myself.”

“Helping out at these events helps me to conquer my anxiety around crowds of people. I also enjoy the company from my fellow peers.”

“It was a fun day. I enjoyed meeting new people and the company from other marshals.”

Each year sees our area ‘get physical’ in so many different ways and TakePartNEL volunteers were front and centre to support two fitness focussed events. Two glorious Sundays allowed runners to take part in these fabulous events in Cleethorpes, encouraging people to ‘get active’ whether it be for fitness or charitable reasons…well done to the all participants and volunteers.

A cohort from our TakePartNEL volunteers have been working closely with the Mayor on his Fundraising Committee looking at  ways to support local charities. First on the agenda was the planning, organisation and hosting of the Mayors Fundraising Ball in Grimsby Town Hall. Our fabulously dedicated volunteers were in attendance ensuring the smooth running of the evening which raised hundreds of pounds for both The Carers Support Service and Linkage. Well done to All.

As well as festive cheer December has brought a fabulous NELincs spectacle in the form of the Illuminate Parade and Xmas Lights switch on. This visual spectacular which consisted of the giant lanterns used in the Boston parade but also lanterns made by over 170 local school children via workshops held by Our Big Picture in which they learned the history of the Mayflower and its local connection. As always our TakePartNEL were invaluable in their support to assist the parades to take place and allow the children’s lanterns to be showcased in such a family friendly, festive environment.

Our Community Repsonse Volunteers have been put through their paces by our friends at Humberside Fire Service to gain their Heart Start Course accreditation. The volunteers spent an evening at Peaks Lane Fire Station learning some truly life saving skills which will add to the CRV programme we are building with the support of our partner organisations locally.

Our Community response volunteers were given a presentation by our blue light partners from Humberside Fire Service around road safety. It was another great evening to empower our volunteers and build great relations with our partner organisations.

Volunteering placements

Name – Alistair Eachus (Age 27)

What did you enjoy most about your voluntary role as a Digital Volunteer?

“I have enjoyed being part of a team who feel passionately about the work they are doing and want to a difference in their community. I have been lucky enough to work with fantastic people who I would never have been able to meet or learn from had I not started my volunteering journey.”

What are you personally taking out of the experience?

“I found a confidence I didn’t know that I had and the opportunity to develop the skills I needed to pursue a career in this field.”

Would you have found such a role without the assistance of TakePart NEL?

“Without TakePartNEL, I would never have found a role like this. They introduced me to opportunities that I wouldn’t have had access to otherwise.”

What one piece of advice would you give someone thinking about volunteering?

“Don’t overthink it. Even if you don’t think you have anything to offer, volunteering is a great way to discover what you can do for yourself and for others.”

What 3 words sum up your NELC Volunteering experience?”

“Just. The. Beginning.”

Josh Bray volunteer

Name – Josh Bray (Age 18)

What you enjoy most about your voluntary role as a Digital Volunteer?

“The chance to meet and interact with all the staff, who have been so positive and helpful, as well as meeting all the different customer types. Additionally I have had the varied range of tasks I get to do and situations I have to deal with. ”

What are you personally taking out of the experience?

“I feel I am getting a lot more confident in dealing with people I don’t know.  I’ve learned a lot about dealing with different customer service situations as well as learning more about council services and processes such as council tax and blue badge”

Would you have found such a role without the assistance of TakePart NEL?

“I don’t think so. I was looking for something longer term with variety and substance and couldn’t find anything of this nature. Being part of Team AFD in the summer and being in contact with Ross via the TakePart NEL volunteer emails and newsletters meant I have been kept in the loop with opportunities, so when Ross contacted me about this I jumped at the chance, I was actually lying by a pool in Zante when I found out”

What one piece of advice would you give someone thinking about volunteering?

“Definitely do it! It feels great to fill your time doing something meaningful. Not only that I’m meeting new people, learning skills, gaining confidence and it looks really good on your CV”

What are your future plans?

“In January I start my training with BP to become a qualified officer of the watch, which will take three years to complete, after which I hope to continue and become a Third Officer on BP’s vessels. As a third officer I would be responsible for watch keeping, navigating and checking the General health and safety of the ship including the lifesaving and firefighting equipment”

What 3 words sums up your NELC Volunteering experience?”

“Welcoming, interesting and motivating”

Graham Walton Volunteer

Name – Graham Walton (Age 66)

What you enjoy most about your voluntary role as a Archiving Volunteer?

“It is such as fantastic opportunity to be able to get up close to such historical items where are part of our local and national heritage”

What are you personally taking out of the experience?

“The genuine satisfaction of helping catalogue all of this history so that the community might benefit from it someday.”

Would you have found such a role without the assistance of TakePart NEL?

“No, TakePart NEL has been great for letting me know about roles from Armed Forces Day to the Urban Arts Festival and now this very different opportunity. We are regularly kept informed about what opportunities there are”

What one piece of advice would you give someone thinking about volunteering?

“Don’t be afraid to try it. If you are looking for something more to do or a worthwhile activity, volunteering is a great way to do that. Plus you get to meet like-minded, positive people.”

What 3 words sums up your NELC Volunteering experience?”

“Satisfaction, exhilaration and comradery”

Would you recommend registering with TakePartNEL to a friend??”

“Definitely, without a doubt!”

Name – Sue Cracknell (Age 59)

What you enjoy most about your voluntary role as a Climbing Wall Volunteer?

“Who would have thought someone of my age would be doing this role! It’s a great opportunity to mix with the community, learn a new skill and keep fit in the process.”

What are you personally taking out of the experience?

“A real sense of pride of getting others to achieve something they would not normally do. Encouraging the child who stops after the first metre due to fear. Seeing them touch the top and come down with a smile on their face is priceless.”

Would you have found such a role without the assistance of TakePartNEL?

“I used to climb in my teens and 20’s but never thought I would get the opportunity again in my ‘mature’ years. Without TakePartNEL and the training I received, I doubt I would have attempted it. The opportunities and diversity offered to volunteers is immense.”

What one piece of advice would you give someone thinking about volunteering?

“Go for it, you won’t regret it. A great way to make new friends, learn new things, have fun and give something back to the community without any pressure. So pleased I did it.”

What 3 words sums up your NELC Volunteering experience?

“Fulfilment, Friendship, Fun”

Would you recommend registering with TakePartNEL to a friend?

“Without a doubt ‘do it now’!”

Name – Melanie Johnston (Age 43)

What have you enjoyed most about your volunteering experiences with TakePartNEL?

“Meeting new people from different backgrounds, speaking with them and hearing their stories.”

What are you personally taking out of volunteering experience?

“Volunteering has really helped build my confidence. I am now in full time employment and actually as part of my role I hold ‘confidence classes’ for members of the community amongst other topics.”

Would you have found such a role without the assistance of TakePart NEL?

“I have always wanted to volunteer but didn’t know how to go about it until I spotted TakePartNEL and joined Team AFD for National Armed Forces Day. Since then I’ve volunteered at so many different community events and taken up other voluntary roles with TakePartNEL”

What one piece of advice would you give someone thinking about volunteering?

“Definitely give it a go, it is really worth it! If I hadn’t volunteered I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to get employed in the role I am in now, you really don’t realise the benefits of volunteering until you try it”

What 3 words sums up your NELC Volunteering experience?

“Fun, rewarding and family”

Related content

Volunteering – Find out more about TakePart NEL

Volunteering opportunities – See what volunteering roles are on offer

Jobs, careers and training – Volunteering information from our Young People section

Contact details

Volunteering Coordinator, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm, except bank holidays