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Planning Applications – 24 September 2020

8:00 am, Thursday, 24th September 2020 - 4 years ago

Public Notice


Publicity of Planning and Related Applications

The applications set out in the Schedule below are required to be given wider publicity and public comment is invited.

Copies of the applications can be viewed on-line at

The reason for publicising each application is indicated after the application number as follows:-

(01) Major Development; (02) Development affecting a Listed Building; (03) Development affecting the setting of a Listed Building; (05) The proposed development would affect a public right of way; (09) Development affecting the Wellow Conservation Area; (13) Development affecting the Waltham Conservation Area; (18) Development affecting the Cleethorpes Central Seafront Conservation Area; (22) Development affecting tree(s) subject to tree preservation orders; (24) Development proposals accompanied by an Environmental Statement


DM/0440/20/LBC Listed Building Consent for works to repoint chimney, install new Accoya single door and frame at first floor, new Accoya single door, frame and fan light at ground floor, slimlite double glazing to all new doors and windows.  Section of rectangular down pipe from first floor to ground floor, new encaustic tiles to threshold to match existing, sign writing in gold, font ‘Soria’ above shop entrance and on fanlight to single door at ground floor. Change in paint colour for external joinery, windows, doors, bay cornice and dormer window to RAL7016 and change in paint work for brick colour to RAL9003, 41 Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes-(02)(03)(18)

DM/0441/20/FUL Variation of condition 9 (approved Plans) attached to planning application DM/1108/18/FUL (Variation application of condition 8 (Approved Plans) as granted on DM/0524/17/FUL (Change of use from fish and chip restaurant/take-away (A3/A5) to restaurant/bar (A3/A4), various internal and external alterations, replacement shop front and dormer at front of third floor) to make alterations to shop front and amend arrangement of rear WC doors – for alterations to include :, repoint chimney, new Accoya single door and frame at first floor, new Accoya single door, frame and fan light at ground floor, slimlite double glazing to all new doors and windows.  Section of rectangular down pipe from first floor to ground floor, new encaustic tiles to threshold to match existing, sign writing in gold, font ‘Soria’ above shop entrance and on fanlight to single door at ground floor. Change in paint colour for external joinery, windows, doors, bay cornice and dormer window to RAL7016 and change in paint work for brick colour to RAL9003, 41 Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes-(02)(03)(18)

DM/0667/20/FUL Variation of Condition 22 (approved plans) attached to planning permission DM/0329/18/FUL (Erection of industrial building and adjoined two storey office/control room to create power plant (18MW Energy From Waste) including construction of associated access, hardsurfacing, erection of 65m chimney stack and installation of necessary plant and machinery) –  for alterations to main building including increase width of gasification train hall, increase width and height of mechanical polishing plant hall, ash silos to be moved 5m to west of turbine hall, dry air coolers to be moved behind turbine hall, length of air cooled condensers increased by 5m, erection of new gas kiosk, increase throughput of refused derived fuel (RDF) to 226,000 tonnes per annum and associated works, land at Energy Park Way, Grimsby-(01)(03)(05)(24)

DM/0739/20/FUL Variation of Condition 5 (approved plans) pursuant to DM/0698/17/REM (Reserved Matters application as granted on DM/0762/15/OUT (Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and erect two dwellings with all matters reserved.) with landscaping, layout, access, appearance and scale to be considered and Details in Discharge of Conditions 3 (Surface Water Drainage) and 4 (Method Statement)) to make changes to floor layout plans and elevations and changes to facing details to Plot 2 proposed dwelling and garage, 206 Station Road, New Waltham-(22)

DM/0766/20/FUL Erection of one bungalow to the rear of the existing building with associated works including minor landscaping, Fryston House, Bargate, Grimsby-(09)

DM/0770/20/FUL Demolish existing ground floor room and erection of two storey and single storey side extension and porch to front, 11 Elm Road, Waltham-(22)

DM/0788/20/FULA Convert existing garage and erect first floor extension above, erect single storey extension over existing pool and erect detached triple garage, 14 Cheapside, Waltham-(05)(13)

Comments should be made:

  • On line at or by post to:
  • Development Management Services, New Oxford House, 2 George Street, Grimsby, DN31 1HB  by 18th October 2020

Please Note: Signatures, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses attached to representations will not be shown on the Council’s web site but your name and address will be displayed.  Anonymous representations will not be taken into account ie if no name and address are supplied.

Director of Economy and Growth – Place

24 September 2020

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Public Notice of Planning applications – 16 January 2025
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL Publicity of Planning & Related Applications The applications set out in the Schedule below are required to be given wider publicity and public comment is invited....

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