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Local development scheme

The council produced its first Local Development Scheme in 2012, followed by subsequent revisions in 2014, 2015 and 2016. These all related to the preparation of the current Local Plan (adopted in March 2018).

A new Local Development Scheme (PDF, 2MB) has now been prepared and brought effect this provides information on the key stages and timetable for the local plan review, covering a period to Summer 2026.

The Government set out changes to the planning system and National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which will have an impact on the local plan review. (Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill – reforms to national planning policy, published 22 December 2022.)

These changes include transitory arrangements relating to councils progressing local plan reviews. Under these arrangements councils have until 30 June 2025 to submit their local plans, for independent examination under the existing legal framework; this will mean that existing legal requirements and duties, will still apply. Furthermore, 31 December 2026, is the latest date for any old-style local plans to be adopted.

The timetable included in the 2023 Local Development Scheme will be progressed under these proposed transitionary arrangements. It will be monitored, reviewed, and updated as necessary, for example if further reforms to the planning system are made.

Contact details

Spatial Planning, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 324272

Opening times: please call to make an appointment