The applications set out in the Schedule below are required to be given wider publicity and public comment is invited.
The reason for publicising each application is indicated after the application number as follows:-
(01) Major Development; (02) Development affecting a Listed Building; (03) Development affecting the setting of a Listed Building; (07) Development affecting the Old Clee Conservation Area; (09) Development affecting the Wellow Conservation Area; (10) Development affecting the Central Area Conservation Area; (18) Development affecting the Cleethorpes Central Seafront Conservation Area; (22) Development affecting tree(s) subject to tree preservation orders
- DM/0186/21/LBC Demolition of timber shed and car port, erection of new car port/garage, alterations to barn to include new guttering and drainpipes, creation of patio area to include pergola and fencing. Replace roof to outhouse, alterations to widen existing access, erection of new gates and replace picket fence to front elevation, Clee Lodge, 3 Church Lane, Old Clee-(02)(03)
- 07)(22) DM/0185/21/FULA Demolition of timber shed and car port, erection of new car port/garage, alterations to barn to include new guttering and drainpipes, creation of patio area to include pergola and fencing. Replace roof to outhouse, alterations to widen existing access, erection of new gates and replace picket fence to front elevation, Clee Lodge, 3 Church Lane, Old Clee-(02)(03)
- 07)(22) DM/0235/21/FUL Erect first floor infill extension to side, alterations to all hipped roofs to gable ends, alterations to roof to create living accommodation above garage and various other internal and external alterations, 116 Humberston Avenue, Humberston-(22)
- DM/0205/21/FULA Erect single storey rear extension to include rooflights and alterations to window and door openings, 33 Oak Road, Healing-(22)
- DM/0217/21/FUL Erect single storey extension to rear, create covered patio, alterations to roof of existing single storey extension and raise eaves to create additional accommodation at first floor with various alterations, Milchester House, Main Road, Barnoldby Le Beck-(22)
- DM/0229/21/FUL Installation of two new flues on the roof of the Minster boiler room, Grimsby Minster, St James Square, Grimsby-(02)(03)(10)
- DM/0220/21/FUL Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) as granted on DM/0960/18/FUL to make various alterations to property, The Sycamores, The Avenue, East Ravendale-(22)
- DM/0226/21/FUL Erect single storey rear extension, Elizabethan Cottage, Church Lane, Bradley-(22)
- DM/0245/21/ADV Display one non-illuminated sign to front elevation and install new flag and flagpole, 5 Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes-(03)(18)
- DM/0240/21/FUL Retrospective application to retain a mountain bike trails area with associated landscaping and parking, land at Roundill And Fairfield Plantations, Ravendale Road, Hatcliffe -(01)(22)
- DM/0215/21/FUL Variation of Condition 1 (Limited Period) granted on planning application DM/1039/15/FUL to continue to site two mobile units for use as a store and workshop by site campus team, St James School, 18-24 Bargate, Grimsby-(03)(09)
Comments should be made:
- Online at at North East Lincs Council or by post to:
- Development Management Services, New Oxford House, 2 George Street, Grimsby, DN31 1HB by 4th April 2021
Please Note: Signatures, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses attached to representations will not be shown on the Council’s web site but your name and address will be displayed. Anonymous representations will not be taken into account ie if no name and address are supplied.
Assistant Director of Housing, Highways and Planning
On behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council
11th March 2021
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