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Publicity of Planning & Related Applications 15 October 2020

12:01 am, Thursday, 15th October 2020 - 4 years ago

Planning and development

The applications set out in the Schedule below are required to be given wider publicity and public comment is invited.

Copies of the applications can be viewed online

The reason for publicising each application is indicated after the application number as follows:-

(05) The proposed development would affect a public right of way; (18) Development affecting the Cleethorpes Central Seafront Conservation Area; (22) Development affecting tree(s) subject to tree preservation orders


DM/0837/20/FULA Proposed single storey flat roof extension with flat roof and two brick two storey towers, Kirby Farm, Tetney Road, Humberston-(05)

DM/0836/20/FUL Erection of one dwelling and associated works, land adj Wayside, Brigsley Road, Waltham-(05)

DM/0676/20/FUL Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) as granted on application DM/0074/18/FUL (Erect first floor extension and single storey side extensions, installation of balustrade and external renders) for alterations to provide double doors to restaurant at ground floor and first floor alterations to realign door and reduce windows to side elevation, 97 Central Promenade, Cleethorpes-(18)

DM/0849/20/FUL Outline application for a single dwelling with associated access with all matters reserved, 2 Elm Road, Waltham-(22)

DM/0853/20/FUL Erect single storey oak framed orangery extension to rear, 2 Nicholson Road, Healing-(22)

Comments should be made:

Please Note: Signatures, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses attached to representations will not be shown on the Council’s web site but your name and address will be displayed.  Anonymous representations will not be taken into account ie if no name and address are supplied.

Director of Economy and Growth – Place

15th October 2020

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Public Notice of Planning Applications – 5 September 2024
NORTH EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL Publicity of Planning & Related Applications The applications set out in the Schedule below are required to be given wider publicity and public comment is invited....

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