The applications set out in the Schedule below are required to be given wider publicity and public comment is invited.
The reason for publicising each application is indicated after the application number as follows:-
(01) Major Development; (03) Development affecting the setting of a Listed Building; (05) The proposed development would affect a public right of way; (10) Development affecting the Central Area Conservation Area; (18) Development affecting the Cleethorpes Central Seafront Conservation Area; (22) Development affecting tree(s) subject to tree preservation orders
DM/0891/20/FUL Change of use of land for the siting of 39 timber lodges and associated infrastructure including access roads, pond and landscaping, Manor Golf Course, Barton Street, Laceby-(01)(05)
DM/0009/21/ADV Relocation of Fishing Heritage Centre non illuminated double sided free standing sign, land north of new Foot Bridge, Frederick Ward Way, Grimsby-(03)(10)
DM/0065/21/FUL Change of use of ground floor from A1 (Retail) to A3 (Restaurant and Cafe) and A5 (Hot Foot Takeaway), 34 Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes-(18)
DM/0088/21/FUL Removal of existing summer house and erection of one dwelling with attached garage to include new access to the highway, boundary treatments and associated works, 40 Humberston Avenue, Humberston-(22)
DM/0039/21/FUL Temporary change of use of land to support the construction of Alpha Grimsby Renewable Energy Centre to include siting of single and two storey modular buildings, construction of car park, erection of fencing and gates and associated works, land off Energy Park Way, Grimsby-(01)(05)
Comments should be made:
- Online at NE Lincs or by post to:
- Development Management Services, New Oxford House, 2 George Street, Grimsby, DN31 1HB by 14th March 2021
Please Note: Signatures, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses attached to representations will not be shown on the Council’s web site but your name and address will be displayed. Anonymous representations will not be taken into account ie if no name and address are supplied.
Director of Economy and Growth – Place
18th February 2021
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